I’m sorry if there’s already a post that has anything to do with this but I can’t find it so I must ask. Does streching have and positive/negative effects on building muscle?
I would assume that it is a good thing to stay flexible but some of my peers disagree.
I’ve seen a massive improvement in my flexibility and recovery by stretching the muscles I just worked right after working them, rather than waiting until later.
It doesn’t have to be anything too extreme, just your basic stretches done the moment you drop the barbell.
Just make sure to strength AFTER you lift not before. Stretching (static) has a neurologically relaxing effect on the muscles that reduces your ability to lift heavy for up to ten minutes or more. So after your workout, never before.
i remember the first time i did stiff leg deadlifts and didnt bother stretching my hamstrings after i was finished, next day was agony so a stretching is a must for me, besides u can never be to flexible
Yea don’t stretch before, just warm up with weights.
Dynamic stretching is ok before though, just not static as you can lose power.
I don’t think CT thinks its bad, I’m pretty sure he thinks its a waste of time to stretch after, but every coach has their own opinion on stretching it seems.
static stretching pre workout is bad…any other time it is fine
p.s. theres been research supporting that stretching of the fascia can promote hypertrophy within the fascia. i am not able to search for journals reflecting this now, but if you can, do. the reports are out there
not saying stretching is as important as lifting to gaining muscle, but it is definitely good for mobility and may be good for strengthening of connective tissue and fascia hypertrophy.
get Scentific Stretching by Tom Kurz for the best thing I have read on stretching.
For the upper back and shoulders, a good stretch is to grab a broom handle overhead as if you have just snatched it. Now stretch your hands back and down and pull your hands apart.
Return to the start position, move your hands out an inch on the broom handle and repeat.
There is another stretch where you hold the broom handle in front of you with an alternated grip now circle the broom handle with the palm up hand going over the palm down hand until you have turned the broom handle 180 degrees, tighten everything, return to the start position, move your hands in an inch and repeat. (harder to explain this one without pictures)
Dynamic stretching like that in Magnificent Mobility is good. “Extreme Stretching” like that in Dog Crap training can help build muscle fast. Regular stretching after a workout or on off days is helpful.