So iv been lifting for 2 years now, most of my stretchmarks i got even befor i started lifting, i have them on my waist, lower back, ass, shoulders,lats, biceps,
how do you guys deal with em ? im even scared to wear a fucking tank top these days
im currently 227lbs at 6,5ft befor i started lifting i was 170lbs
im currently bulking and i can see some small ones appearing on my chest, where it connects with the bicep … makes me never wanna bulk up again, they just keep coming
Q: As my biceps get bigger, I?ve developed stretch marks on them. How do I get rid of them?
A: Your kiddin? me right? You?re concerned about stretch marks? Most guys would cut their balls off to have stretch marks on their arms, especially the bicep. The guys I talk to all want to know how they can get bigger arms. If you have stretch marks, it means that your arms have grown. Who gives a flying fuck about stretch marks? Know what? If your worried about growing and getting stretch marks, then I have an idea: Why don’t you take up knitting instead? This way you don’t have to worry about that kinda? shit. The only things you’ll have to worry about are patterns and yarn colors.
[quote]Sayonara wrote:
So iv been lifting for 2 years now, most of my stretchmarks i got even befor i started lifting, i have them on my waist, lower back, ass, shoulders,lats, biceps,
how do you guys deal with em ? im even scared to wear a fucking tank top these days
im currently 227lbs at 6,5ft befor i started lifting i was 170lbs
im currently bulking and i can see some small ones appearing on my chest, where it connects with the bicep … makes me never wanna bulk up again, they just keep coming :([/quote]
Serious response now.
Lose fat and they will be less red.
Get a tan if it helps.
If you bitch about the new ones on your chest arms or muscles from growing you should stop being a pussy.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
You are 225lbs at 6’5". Worry less about the marks and more about figuring out why you posted in the bodybuilding forum.[/quote]
Oh sorry that im not 350lbs 8% bf, i guess theres a requierment to post in this forum
Maybe i should post in the Powerful Women’s section instead, would that be more appropriate ?
There are tons of articles you can read on stretch marks. Topical recommendations for ‘curing’ stretch marks are hit or miss, so you can decide whether to spend your money on those. The consensus to prevent excessive stretching of the skin is to treat internally by eating right so your skin is healthy. This doesn’t mean you won’t get stretch marks, only that they’ll be less severe than if your skin had the elasticity of tanned leather. Keep in mind the marks you do have will fade in time.
Really, I don’t think you should worry much about it. Many federations consider stretch marks to be a byproduct of lifting and don’t count them as skin blemishes, and the tanning products hide them anyway during competition. Also, you shouldn’t be scared to walk around in a tank top because you have stretch marks, you should be scared of rabid badgers. You ever come across a foamy-mouthed badger - run. And when you think you’ve put enough distance between you and it, add another mile for good measure.
I got stretch marks too bro…its SUCKS BALLS…put lotion all over youself after ever shower…and taking a vitamin E tab HELPS a LOT to reduce the look of them.
Untill Science catches up they are “permenant” Dunoo if the new laser techonology is actually effective or not, granted to say there is no “tried and true” method for getting rid of em. So best to make sure you develop anymore.
[quote]fncj wrote:
There are tons of articles you can read on stretch marks. Topical recommendations for ‘curing’ stretch marks are hit or miss, so you can decide whether to spend your money on those. The consensus to prevent excessive stretching of the skin is to treat internally by eating right so your skin is healthy. This doesn’t mean you won’t get stretch marks, only that they’ll be less severe than if your skin had the elasticity of tanned leather. Keep in mind the marks you do have will fade in time.
Really, I don’t think you should worry much about it. Many federations consider stretch marks to be a byproduct of lifting and don’t count them as skin blemishes, and the tanning products hide them anyway during competition. Also, you shouldn’t be scared to walk around in a tank top because you have stretch marks, you should be scared of rabid badgers. You ever come across a foamy-mouthed badger - run. And when you think you’ve put enough distance between you and it, add another mile for good measure.
Thanks for the suggestions. My friend claimed the cocoa butter stick he used several times a day helped, but to be honest his stretch marks still looked horrible. I have a bunch of vitamin E lying around that can be ingested or applied topically and am going to give it a try for a month, but I’m not expecting much.
I have stretch marks all over. They look horrible but honestly I like getting them, they’re like a badge of honor. Of course it’s easier to get them if you’re tall and/or a fatass.
[quote]jjayoo wrote:
Don’t listen to Professor X he’s a miserable fat cunt. [/quote]
The OP comes here looking for help because he feels shit about himself, about his appearance and he is looking for help. Putting someone down for no other reason than to boost your own internet ego points is a shitty thing to do.
and before you start with the pot calling the kettle black shit I really doubt a guy like X cares or would be affected by my comments. On the other hand a guy with 14 posts could be very affected when one of the most senior members talks down to him.
Man ive got some pretty good ones behind my shoulders, across my chest and traps, and down my biceps and even my forearms. I love it, each new stretch mark i notice tells me im doing something right, theyre like battle scars, ive earned each one and im proud of it. I dont see whats wrong with em unless you’re just fat as fuck.
[quote]audiogarden1 wrote:
Man ive got some pretty good ones behind my shoulders, across my chest and traps, and down my biceps and even my forearms. I love it, each new stretch mark i notice tells me im doing something right, theyre like battle scars, ive earned each one and im proud of it. I dont see whats wrong with em unless you’re just fat as fuck. [/quote]
Really? Your proud of them? Yours must not be so noticable…I am Brown and the stretch marks are REALLY noticable on my chest and anterior Delts due to my tanness…
Cool to have…but everyone looks better WITOUT them…
[quote]audiogarden1 wrote:
Man ive got some pretty good ones behind my shoulders, across my chest and traps, and down my biceps and even my forearms. I love it, each new stretch mark i notice tells me im doing something right, theyre like battle scars, ive earned each one and im proud of it. I dont see whats wrong with em unless you’re just fat as fuck. [/quote]
Really? Your proud of them? Yours must not be so noticable…I am Brown and the stretch marks are REALLY noticable on my chest and anterior Delts due to my tanness…
Cool to have…but everyone looks better WITOUT them…[/quote]
Theyre pretty damn noticeable. I tan frequently so they are not as bad anymore, (the ones on my shoulders and traps are very obvious still) but before tanning it looked like i got mauled by a bear. Red stretch marks on pale skin.
Honestly i dont mind them at all, i have seriously used them as a measure of progress since i first started noticing them. I do enjoy them being less obvious from tanning but it wont bother me if they never get any better than this.
With regards to stretchmarks, over time they will fade into a pale/whitish hue. If you have a pale or fair complexion (many white people) you are going to have an advantage with the pale scars blending in with your natural fair skin tone. If however you tan, the faded stretchmarks will be on full display. All the more reason to avoid tanning once your stretchmarks have faded.
[quote]Egg Head wrote:
With regards to stretchmarks, over time they will fade into a pale/whitish hue. If you have a pale or fair complexion (many white people) you are going to have an advantage with the pale scars blending in with your natural fair skin tone. If however you tan, the faded stretchmarks will be on full display. All the more reason to avoid tanning once your stretchmarks have faded. [/quote]
[quote]Egg Head wrote:
With regards to stretchmarks, over time they will fade into a pale/whitish hue. If you have a pale or fair complexion (many white people) you are going to have an advantage with the pale scars blending in with your natural fair skin tone. If however you tan, the faded stretchmarks will be on full display. All the more reason to avoid tanning once your stretchmarks have faded. [/quote]
Yes, Exactly. But I am perma-Tan ( dam genetics )[/quote]
Get that same procedure that michael jackson had done.
[quote]jjayoo wrote:
The OP comes here looking for help because he feels shit about himself, about his appearance and he is looking for help. Putting someone down for no other reason than to boost your own internet ego points is a shitty thing to do.
and before you start with the pot calling the kettle black shit I really doubt a guy like X cares or would be affected by my comments. On the other hand a guy with 14 posts could be very affected when one of the most senior members talks down to him.
If a comment about getting used to stretch marks is enough to send someone screaming from the gym for good, they were not going to stay for long anyway.
I am always interested in how you guys look…you know, the ones running around the forum making sure my every comment doesn’t offend someone.
[quote]Egg Head wrote:
With regards to stretchmarks, over time they will fade into a pale/whitish hue. If you have a pale or fair complexion (many white people) you are going to have an advantage with the pale scars blending in with your natural fair skin tone. If however you tan, the faded stretchmarks will be on full display. All the more reason to avoid tanning once your stretchmarks have faded. [/quote]
Yes, Exactly. But I am perma-Tan ( dam genetics )[/quote]
Get that same procedure that michael jackson had done. [/quote]
I’m as dark as you can get (almost) and you can see mine especially when up close. The darker you are, the less they seem to appear IN PHOTOS, but they can be seen up close.