If I was to do a 5 day split/strength training I would think I should:
day 1: chest/tri’s
day 2: legs
day 3: off
day 4: back/bi’s
day 5: off
now my question is why do people on a 5 day split do this?:
day 1: chest/bi’s
day 2: legs
day 3: off
day 4: back/tri’s
day 5: off
I would think you would only do this type of training on a 7 day split, because on the 5 day split your tri’s only have two days to recover before they are used again on chest day. That wouldn’t be enough time for them to rest. Would it? any thoughts would be appreciated. thank you
everyone has thier persoanl preferences, although ive never understood why epole pair chest and bis back and tris. actually, my favorite split is chest/back, legs, arms.
what about deltoids, traps, you do calves with squats and deadlifts? I like basing my workouts around the compound lifts and then i add supplemental excercises. Example, squat day, deadlift day, bench day, & olympic lift day. I’ll add deltoids, back, calves, bis, tris, where ever i feel it is suitable. If i’m prioritizing arms then i have an individual workout just for them. just my take on things, laters pk
for tris, i usally do them like this: chest tris, bis tris, chest delt tris. When doing them with chest and or delts, i will do them in the end of the workout after i’ve done benches and overhead presses. I’ve found that the best is to do bis and tris together and to keep a day of rest in between from doing any excercises that will hit those bodyparts like benches, presses, rows or pullups. that way my arms are ready for some intense training and they are not fatigued from the previous workout. I have not kept a steady split in years because i like to go with the flow of my body and the workouts. It has worked for me. laters pk