[quote]xAPOLLOx wrote:
[quote]trextacy wrote:
Don’t think of it as a 7 day week or be confined by that. Some weeks legs may fall on Thursday, sometimes Wednesday. Just train as often as you can. Some people pair chest/bis and back/tris, but i like working chest then “finishing off” tris since they are already being worked with chest. Just personal preference.
A couple of other options:
If you broke apart chest/back and shoulders/arms you would have 5 days, but at your stage I think you would be better off keeping them combined so you can hit the groups more often.
Rest as needed.[/quote]
Thanks for the response. However, the reason I had adjusted the 5 day split the way I did is because sundays my gym is closed. Also would pairing BP allow me to finish under 1 hr and hit the muscle hard enough for it to be necessary for days of recovery?
I have never followed a split so part of me is worried about not hitting the muscle hard enough and only training it once a week.[/quote]
Some people have success with once per week, but most like to hit a bodypart twice every 6-9 days…there are all sorts of approaches. Like I said, if you do chest/tris on Monday, then you may hit chest/tris again on Saturday, then back/bis on Monday, etc.
You should definitely be able to hit everything hard in less than an hour.
I highly recommend checking out the stickies in the Beginners forum and searching for CT’s “how to design a damn good program” article. But basically, pick 2-3 exercises per bodypart and work on increasing the weight you are working with over time, caloric surplus (w/ a focus around your workouts) and get plenty of rest and you will find yourself growing and learning about your body. Then, you can increase the frequency, using intensity techniques, split things up further (or consolidate), switch out exercises that don’t work for you, play with supplements, etc. But, focus on the basics for now.