I was hoping a few of you could point me towards a couple of simple routines geared towards strength. Currently my life is pretty hectic and because of stress, depression, and a poor diet (my calorie intake has dropped quite a bit) Ive managed to go from around 220 to just above 200 (at 6’2").
My strength has also decreased, though not as drastically as my weight. Anyways, Im looking for a simple routine that will help me build up my strength and retain muscle mass (working out more than 3 times a week is next to impossible). Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
[quote]LBRTRN wrote:
Currently my life is pretty hectic and because of stress, depression, and a poor diet (my calorie intake has dropped quite a bit) Ive managed to go from around 220 to just above 200 (at 6’2").[/quote]
You need to take care of those issues first before embarking on any sort of strength program IMHO. You’re not going to gain anything and you’ll be wasting your time not to mention money spent on supplements, equipment and whatnot.