Strength/Power & Drugs

All of the drug protocols seem to be in place for Bodybuilders. That’s fine and dandy but what about Strength and Power athletes that need to stay in a certain weight class. Obviously you can’t gain even 10-15lbs of mass when weighing in for a meet. If you take a look at Ben Johnson and the low amount of Winstrol he was taking I think that he was a truly amazing athlete. I’m just wondering if it’s basically the drugs effect on the nervous system which leads to the amount power output my fellow Olympic lifters benefit from? It would seem that Olympiclifters would benefit from GH in remodelling the connective tissue? Summary - how much(mg)? what kind (androgenic/anabolic or GH)? would one have to take in order to reap the benefits in staying within a weight class?

Thank you T-mag collective.