Strength Motivation Video

I have been here all of 2 days, so if this is a repost, I have no idea.

ROFL @ Powerthirst!

That was a pretty good video compliation. Lots of inspiring olympic lifting.

[quote]Skyler King wrote:

Obviously Ed Coan is one of the greatest powerlifters of all time, but I think people underestimate how jacked he was, did he ever do any bodybuilding?

[quote]Chris87 wrote:

Obviously Ed Coan is one of the greatest powerlifters of all time, but I think people underestimate how jacked he was, did he ever do any bodybuilding?[/quote]

He started out as a BBer but he said he sucked.

Dude lived in his mom’s basement till he was like 40 as well.

Thats the rumor I heard at least.

Not sure.

We comparing life settings or lifting here?

Not sure.