Strecth Marks On Your Butt

Hey guys, just wondering if any of you have strecth marks on your butt or hips from squats or weight gain after a competition etc… Just wondering who is in the same boat. I know the pro’s and top amateurs get them on their chest, arms, and lats also. Thanks.

I am 18 yrs old and i never used ne growth enhancements and i have them on my chest shoulders lats biceps triceps butt obliques and inner things and calves.

Hey Bryan - I got some small stretch marks on my hips - but mine have been there ever since my last growth spurt when I was about 15 I think. They are kinda ugly eh… but Ive seen em a lot worse on a pregnant lady so Im not really to worried about the little ones that I got. Anybody know any way to minimize their appearance?

Yeah, I just got them on my rear from squats and rapid weight gain after a competetion. Sometimes you can not even see them, but other times they bother the crap out of me.

I have them on the insides of my thighs and front of my hips. I have a ton of them and they are huge and deep. 100% natural one point to note when I got them I was in a dehydrated keto state.

Yeah, I got ‘em too. On my butt mostly, and a little on my inner/back thighs. I got them from my first real growth phase, where I discovered I needed to eat a shite load to grow well. I just tell the girls they’re wounds, from when I took some grenade shrapnel for the boys back in Desert Storm… [grin] Nothin’ I can do about them, and I’m not overly bothered anymore…