Alright so I was just wondering where i should store my Surge, Metabolic Drive, and Flameout. I know that I have to store Flameout in the fridge after i open it but what about the other two? Is it necessary to store them in the fridge too? Thanks for the help
I store Flameout in the freezer.
the others, any where is fine.
[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
I store Flameout in the freezer.
the others, any where is fine.[/quote]
Alright but if I store Flameout in the fridge it’ll be fine right? Also I know it says to take four softgels of Flameout a day but should I take them throughout the day or all at once?
If you take more than 4 it’s probably best to spread.
When I take 4, I split it up 2 in the morning, 2 in the evening. I like to have some right before bed. Just a personal preference.
If you are taking one serving, I don’t see an issue with taking it all at once. I megadose the stuff right now, so I take 4 caps 4 times daily. I know that sometimes the dosages of supplements is very unclear/vague, but CT is pretty good about making general recommendations in his Locker Room thread.
[quote]mustangmarc13 wrote:
If you are taking one serving, I don’t see an issue with taking it all at once. I megadose the stuff right now, so I take 4 caps 4 times daily.
I know that sometimes the dosages of supplements is very unclear/vague, but CT is pretty good about making general recommendations in his Locker Room thread.[/quote]
you’re taking 16 pills/day? Holy hell you must run through bottles like crazy.
[quote]mustangmarc13 wrote:
If you are taking one serving, I don’t see an issue with taking it all at once. I megadose the stuff right now, so I take 4 caps 4 times daily.
I know that sometimes the dosages of supplements is very unclear/vague, but CT is pretty good about making general recommendations in his Locker Room thread.[/quote]
Alright well I was planning on taking only one serving per day. I think thats enough for me, I’m 5’7 150 pounds. Does that sound right to you guys?
[quote]ManS1aughter wrote:
mustangmarc13 wrote:
If you are taking one serving, I don’t see an issue with taking it all at once. I megadose the stuff right now, so I take 4 caps 4 times daily.
I know that sometimes the dosages of supplements is very unclear/vague, but CT is pretty good about making general recommendations in his Locker Room thread.
Alright well I was planning on taking only one serving per day. I think thats enough for me, I’m 5’7 150 pounds. Does that sound right to you guys?[/quote]
That should be fine for most health and body comp benefits. If you’re nursing an injury then it would be helpful to take more.
That’s why I’m doing 2 servings a day right now because I have Jumper’s Knee.
Alright man thanks a lot for all your help.
I would make sure you store your protein (Surge and Metabolic Drive) in a cool dry place. I used to keep mine on top of the fridge, until I realized it got kinda warm up there from the heat coming off the back of it.