So I decided i wanted to replace a couple cardio sessions a week with stone throws and heavy stone carriers at a resevoir a couple blocks away from my house, and idea i completely stole jbodzin.
So this resevoir has these good sized rocks, and it also has a jogging trail, but i usually dont see many people up there until the last two times.
Well, i think i scared a few of the joggers, because yesterday, one of the park rangers drove by my 3 times, and then came up to question me. He was nice enough, just wanted to make sure i wasnt causing any trouble, but here’s the way Josh thought it might have went when the joggers logged their complaint…
Them: " Ahem, excuse me officer, there is some crazy guy throwing rocks down the trail"
Officer: " huh?"
Them: This guy is picking up rocks throwing them, running to them, picking them up and throwing them again, over and over. I think he’s crazy."
Officer: Has he hit anyone?
Them: No.
Officer: Is he throwing it towards people?
Them: No.
Officer: Are the rocks big?
Them: yes
Officer: I’ll look into it.
So, you guys any interesting stories about people thinking you’re out your mind when they see you doing either GPP or strongmen exercises ?
Haven’t had the cops called yet, but one of the strongman training things we do is take turns pushing my pickup till exhausted at about 5am in the morning with the headlights off going around the block a few times. I’m pretty sure that’s suspicious activity.
had to qoute you up there Jbodzin, it was just too damn funny not to put in there.
another thing, last night this old woman walking her dog let it shit right in the middle of my path while i had a rock weighing somewhere around 120 lbs on my chest and i about layed the stone right down on it, ok, layed isnt the right word, dropped as i rolled onto the grass describes it better.
Dre, i would definitly suggest it, i dont know what it is about it, but i just feel athletic after i do it, Theres just something slightly bad ass about heaving a rock over and over again.
[quote]WS4adumbastard wrote:
Dre, i would definitly suggest it, i dont know what it is about it, but i just feel athletic after i do it, Theres just something slightly bad ass about heaving a rock over and over again.[/quote]
There’s probably some primal instinct that comes out when you chuck rocks!
Sled ragging always gets some inquiries. Some stock replies.
“I’m making a runway for aliens. They’re landing tonight.”
“This park is infested with a rare South American poisonous bettle and I have the extermination contract. Actually miss, you and your children should be in this park untile we’re sure we got them all.”
MAN! Can I relate to this. My neighbors think Im absolutely nuttz. I do farmer walks up and down my driveway, loaded with rocks. Plyometrics and sprints out in the street. Not to mention medicine ball throws.
But you can better believe noone has a problem when I park my car in front of there house or throw loud parties.
Try doing a strongman circuit on in front of a college dorm. You won’t believe the hilarity. A buddy of mine and myself used to bring out a stereo and crank the Megadeth as loud as it would go while we did this circuit:
20-30yards (set cones) each way:
heavy stone carry, down back
stone throw down and back
sled drag (loaded with 200lb+ of rocks) down
sprint back.
Throw up.
We scared off all the sorority girls sunbathing. I guess loud angry music and cursing psychos hurling rocks isn’t a turn on. The frat boys drinking in lawn chairs across the street didn’t know what to do, whether to yell at us, or pray that we wouldn’t eat them if they stared at us. Not to mention that this particular green patch of field is right by a street intersection. You should have heard the honks.
Good times. Except the nausea. Worth every minute though.
sounds like a fan fucking tastic afternoon, cant wait till i find some training partners so we can talk each other into doing some crazy stuff like this.
A lot of you guys seem to take pride in doing Strongman activities that seem odd to the outsider in public locations when you could probably do them in a more private locale. Why subject yourslef to the judgements of others unnecessarily?