In the Lee Priest interview Lee says he may use 2ccs of Deca and 2cc
s of Primo each week in the off-season.If Im not mistaken that comes out to 200mg of Deca and 200mg of Primo for a total of 400mg.That
s less than Brock and Bill recommend for beginning and novice bodybuilders.The consensus seems to be that this dosage will do nothing for advanced bodybuilders. Well,then,how come it`s working so great for Lee? What do you say Bill and Brock? Was Lee being truthful?
Yeah I also think Lee is full of shit saying what little roids he takes. Sure he eats a fucking lot during off season but it’s hard to swallow that Lee takes those little amounts of steroids and looks the way he does. Then again maybe that’s why he’s a pro and most of us aren’t! Anyway it’s interesting however…
He is probally refering to 200mg/ml deca, which would give a total of 400mg a week of deca. However, it still wouln’t seem like enough gear to be as big as he is.
I think this is utter bullshit that he uses that low a dose anytime during the season
Why do you all doubt what he says so much? Roids have different effects on different people. When 400mg of test/wk for 5 weeks might put 40lbs. on one person (did for me), it might only put on 20 lbs. on someone else. Also, I’m sure Priest has access to nice roids, European and American; not the shit roids that most of us are used to, such as Mexican, underdosed shit juice. I’m not saying that he might not be lying, but who are we to say that he is? This has been said, but I will say it again: That’s why he’s the pro, and we’re not. Regardless, I think the guy is outstanding…
I don’t know; I wasn’t there.
Ryan is correct that this would work out to
600 mg/week, not 400.
Not at Lee Priest levels, but at various NPC
level contests, I do know that quite a few
bodybuilders during the off season do keep
their uses quite low. Fact is, they could
cut down to NOTHING 1/3 of the time and this
wouldn’t impede their contest results at all.
There’s no advantage, or no noticeable
advantage, to being “on” 52 weeks per year vs.
having some time off now and then.
If Lee says that his “off” dosage is 600 mg/week (which is not “off” of course), or
that he is at that dosage level a few months
per year, I don’t see any reason to doubt him.
That’s pretty different from saying that that
is his contest prep dosage.
Guys, in all my conversations with Lee, I have no reason to doubt the truth of what he told me concerning dosages and cycles. What would he gain by minimizing the numbers? I feel the key element only touched upon in this discussion on the Forum is the massive difference between an elite athlete and the rest of us.
Whether it’s bodybuilding, track and field, football, any sport: the cream of the crop rises to the top. Many, many amateur athletes work and train as hard as top professionals, but genetics eventually separate the top of the line winners from the rest of us.
Does anyone think Maurice Green is merely the hardest working sprinter in the world? No, he may be the hardest trainer in that field, PLUS he’s genetically set up to successfully respond to sprint training and to be able to race.
I believe the same thing applied to Arnold, to Mike Mentzer, and obviously does to Lee Priest, among others in the current pro bodybuilding crop. He may have more receptors than the rest of us; his receptors may work more efficiently than ours. Hell, Lee obviously metabolizes food better than the rest of us, recovers quickly, and plain old responds to weight training in superior fashion. All other things being equal, assuming he works out as hard and in as disciplined a manner as anyone (and I’m confident he does), I believe his dosages.
Amen John, I am with you man!
600 mg a week is enough to help him from not over training. he may just want enough to allow him to work very hard and recover.