Curious as to what people on here think of this post
IFBB PRO/NPC JUDGE/Administrator Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 8,890
So sick of this - HERE’S THE TRUTH!
This site was always set up as an advanced site, where you can find TRUTHFUL information about bodybuilding, not bulshit and ideology promoted by people who generally have agendas.
This is the truth:
If your diet, training, health and rest are completely up to scratch, the more steroids you take, the bigger you will get. It’s as simple as that.
Pros have got their diet, training (health for the most part) and rest up to a standard that works for them perfectly, but they are only the size they are due to the drugs they take. Don’t beleive the crap from anyone, that they are not, even from the ‘in the know’ people that are on this board. Those very same people for the most part have used/use extremely higher dosages than what they preach. Why do they preach the low dosages? - various personal agendas.
Reality is that as a rule, 1g per week of test non stop year round is the ‘off’ time for the pros. Gear is added as it’s obtained - no real detailed cycles as such. As long as they take the high dosages of gear, they’ll grow (as long as the diet, training, health and sleep is up to scratch as mentioned previously).
Several grams of test per week, several grams of anabolics per week, up to 2g/week of tren, a shit load of orals, insulin several times a day year round, GH as much as can be afforded - 15 to 30IU/day, etc.
BUT, pros have the genetics to have their bodies accept the gear, and generally not get sick on it.
And ancilliary use is huge - liver aids to the max, anti-e’s, dht blockers, cardio supps, cholesterol supps, etc.
Still, most of them are complete wrecks. They can’t control bodily functions,
they pass out from walking a flight of stairs, they get drenched in sweat from tying their shoelaces. Gyno, baldness, dry skin, gout, excess bodily hair, acne, etc are ALL existant in virtually all of them.
It is not a healthy sport, drug use is ENORMOUS, but to ignore it and to preach otherwise is pathetic and not what this site is about.
BTW, Synthetek’s books have on them who’s who of current pros ordering Syntherol constantly. They ALL use it extensively. It is pathetic though, when one orders a bottle and their credit card gets declined due to not enough funds. You think a 30+ yo would have his life in order more than that.
Anyway, I’m sick of seeing the bullshit that has been promoted on this site the last few years. This site was originally set up as an uncensored place where you can find the truth about advanced performance enhancing, regardless of consequences. It’s getting back to that.