My step-brother used to lift every day 3x a day for a while, and he saw huge gains. I don’t understand this. Everyone on here says that is way too much work, and the body wouldn’t see good gains. How did my step-brother see such good gains?
He did not use steriods or anything like that, just stuff like muscle milk, protein, and lots of food. He keeps telling me that I should be lifting like 5x a week to get stronger. I am currently doing SS right now, and I plan on sticking to that. But I am curious as to how someone can lift this much and see such big gains.
(I know I didn’t post his numbers, cuz I don’t know what they were wehn he started, but he is now 6 ft 3, 263 pounds, with 315 bench, like 450 or so squat. These might not be huge to some of you, but he improved really,really fast.)
Well, has he been lifting a very long time? This is the beginners forum, after all. You can’t take a WoW addict and stick him under a bar 3x a day and expect to see gains.
If your step-brother has been lifting for a long time and lifting 3x a day really works for him, then so be it. I would venture to say that this is excessive for the majority of weight lifters, unless you have some pretty awesome recovery capacity.
How fast is “really, really fast?” How many months?
I’m unsure exactly in how many months, but I think it was like 6 months or something that he jumped his lifts up a couple hundred pounds for deadlift, squat. And he jumped at least 150 pounds in bench.
I don’t think he lifted much before he did this, and he doesn’t really lift anymore (He lifted 3x a day 3 years ago, when he was 14) He still has those numbers though, so he has sustained those numbers without much lifting.
I would have to agree that it depends on the prior condition of your step-brother. Also, did he consistently train like this, or was it broken up into weekly or monthly cycles? In the past, I’ve done three-week blitz cycles where I would train twice a day six days a week.
But after three weeks I would revert to a lower-volume regimen. I suppose if he is one of those genetic freaks he could handle this type of training indefinitely, but most of us mere mortals can only handle so much training without our bodies reacting adversely.
If he busted his ass every day trying to add weight to the bar and ate enough food to gain weight rapidly I’m not at all surprised that he made that kind of progress.
Theres no limits of training that can be applied to every single person, but the constants that do apply to everybody are that in order to gain muscle you need to get strong and gain bodyweight.
For your step brother i guess the fastest way for him to get stronger was to train with an incredible amount of frequency and then eat a ton of food so his recovery wouldn’t be compromised. Sounds like a good idea to me.
And it doesn’t really matter if you’re doing SS or lifting 5 times a week like he suggests, if you take the basic exercises for every muscle group and double the weight you can use and gain 30lbs of bodyweight or more you are going to be significantly more muscular.
Which method do you think is the fastest way to get there? That is how you decide what is the “right” way to train, and it may not be what some internet fitness guru says is the gospel truth of weight training.
[quote]mr popular wrote:
Which method do you think is the fastest way to get there? That is how you decide what is the “right” way to train, and it may not be what some internet fitness guru says is the gospel truth of weight training.[/quote]
Everyone is different. Try different methods until you find what works for you!
Some pretty good sized dudes I know, and those that I don’t know that I see in the gym, do shit that would be heretical to post on here. Smith machine for every exercise, beer all weekend, and “wtf is fish oil”.
If you wanna spend your life in the gym, give it a try.
I would think the goal of most people would be to get as much out of a workout with the least amount of time in the gym. Not get progress by spending all your time in the gym.