Just read an 8 page article in the new Ironman about Pete Sisco and Power Factor Training. The article was very convincing. But I have never seen or known any one who has even tried this. Let me know what you all think. Thanks
Sounds like isometrics. Bruce Lee did a lot of that. It’s a good exercise if you’re in prison.
I tried it for a couple of months. My strength in the strong range went up dramatically, but full range of motion strength only slightly improved. I did notice a modest increase in LBM.
There is a lot of controversy about SCT and PFT on other boards I subscribe to. It seems that for some people SCT does produce good results, but for most people they lose full ROM strength.
If you’ve got a gym that has a power rack and plenty of 45 lb plates, then you might want to try it for awhile. Be prepared to spend a lot of time loading and unloading the plates, though.
Dude do you read t-mags articles? That style of training was mentioned in CT?s last article.
Isometrics have there place in a properly designed training program, but isometrics should not be used exclusively.
My opinion is that Pete Sisco is a charlatan…years ago I made the mistake of signing up for his ‘newsletter’, which of course turned out to be shameless advertising with ridiculous claims about how much more effective his training ideas were than anything known to man…He’s just another HIT disciple, most of this stuff has been demonstrated to be pretty ineffective in the short run and utterly useless in the long run.
I urge you to invest your time and energy in serious programs from serious coaches!
Best of luck