How’s it going…first-time poster, been lurking for about a year. I started lifting last year and have gained about 30 pounds. I’m now a freshmen in college with a bunch of time and a 20 meal a week plan so I’m starting a bulk using Waterbury’s HFS. I’ve finished the first week so far and feel good. I hope to keep this thread updated with my progress on the program.
Good to hear. I look forward to following your progress. I start tomorrow.
But 20 meals a week? I hope you’re eating more than that. That’s no even 3 a day.
Also, is it the Bodybuilding’s Next Frontier article or the build your own program?
Yeah I eat 2 more meals per day in my dorm which are a quart of whole milk and poptarts and a quart of whole milk and a protein bar. My calories for the day should average about 4000-4500. Also, I am following Waterbury’s exact HFS program, and I am not making my own.
Thanks for putting this up, I plan to do the HFS sometime in the next two months so it is really nice to hear some first hand experience.
What are your beginning stats?
I enjoyed my time on the Next Frontier program, but fair warning, you need to make sleep and eating an absolute priority. You will be constantly pushing the overtraining envelope and you could be as close as a single night out drinking to having to take some additional time off to escape the hole.
I’m 6’1", 190 lbs, with a bodyfat around 12-13%. I haven’t done 1RM for awhile, but I’d say about 200 for bench, 215 for squat, and 245 for deadlift.
Yeah, about the overtraining, I get about 7 -8 hours of sleep, and when classes are over, I usually get a 30 minutes to an hour nap in. I also have Surge and Creatine PWO and ZMA before bed. But yeah, I am going to make sure once I get to the later phases that I stay disciplined.
[quote]caneman wrote:
I’m 6’1", 190 lbs, with a bodyfat around 12-13%. I haven’t done 1RM for awhile, but I’d say about 200 for bench, 215 for squat, and 245 for deadlift.
Yeah, about the overtraining, I get about 7 -8 hours of sleep, and when classes are over, I usually get a 30 minutes to an hour nap in. I also have Surge and Creatine PWO and ZMA before bed. But yeah, I am going to make sure once I get to the later phases that I stay disciplined.[/quote]
Are you going to be posting your sessions?
Also, what college are you attending?
[quote]El_Animal wrote:
Are you going to be posting your sessions?
Also, what college are you attending?
Well I am going to follow his program pretty much to a t, so, no, I will just be updating weekly with my progress in lifts, mass gain, and conditioning. O and I’m a freshmen at the University of Miami.