Starting TRT Over Soon

Great. good for you. you can post a bunch of charts and shit. but you have zero clinical experience, which my source has. Who works direclty with Dr. Rouzier, who is the lead educator of HRT for men and women. Even the guys who give AI, put on their website they went to his clinics.

This Dr Rouzier will also backup my statements that your 100mg is not a normal dose for men.

Maybe it is for you, the very rare case. Hwoever, the majority need way more. Why? Because we are men.

Still amazes me that you try and justify the minimal levels of T for men. If one is to be on TRT their entire life, they should maximize its benefits.

I know i will.

You can stay at your 75 year old levels. I am way too young to do that.

Adios chart guy.