I’m 24 for the record, doc checked my test about 3months ago and it was 286. Been on 100mg/week test cyp.8weeks later it was 728 and feeling lots better. I am planning on bumping up to 200mg for 6-8weeks. then back down to my standard dose. Have been lifting for 4 years. Love it.
Made gains, after being on test 8 weeks made GREAT gains, then balanced out gaining average amounts now. But i want too bump it up just to help bulk a little more before i cut down. Would like to hear some opinions on my plan. Thanks!
I think most of the guys in the Steroids Forum will tell you that 200mg/week is too low a dose to see any significant results in 8 weeks. The lowest dose that’s considered effective for a cycle is 500mg/week. So if you’re after results that go beyond what you could naturally achieve, look into that. If you only want to see results you could get on normal Testosterone levels come faster, I’d say stay on your TRT dose and improve your training/nutrition/recovery.
I disagree with the above post which states that 500mg/week is the baseline for a decent cycle. It is a matter of what your goals are. You will not gain a significant amount of weight at 200mg/week but if you want to a gain slight amount of quality muscle in which you will keep the majority of then there are many accounts of people who experienced that result. Bro-science tells us that 400-500mg/week is the standard. Research the topic and you will find the testimonials.
[quote]Hook24 wrote:
I disagree with the above post which states that 500mg/week is the baseline for a decent cycle. It is a matter of what your goals are. You will not gain a significant amount of weight at 200mg/week but if you want to a gain slight amount of quality muscle in which you will keep the majority of then there are many accounts of people who experienced that result. Bro-science tells us that 400-500mg/week is the standard. Research the topic and you will find the testimonials. [/quote]
I understand what you’re saying and I agree with you. We all know there is a dose dependent response to testosterone as far as gaining lean body mass and decreasing fat mass goes. There is actually scientific literature documenting this ( http://ajpendo.physiology.org/...ent/281/6/E1172 ).
So I don’t doubt that 200mg/week will have a greater effect on LBM than 100mg/week, if however relatively slight since plasma concentrations of Testosterone would not change dramatically and the time frame is short. My point is that if one is after such moderate results, one would probably be better served by obtaining them via a better diet and training program, since side effects also become more likely as the dose increases.
Your T levels change a lot during a week. So your results depend on when you do the lab work.
Before we go further, please read these stickies:
advice for new guys
protocol for injections
If you do 200mg, you may not feel as good and E2 could get out of hand. If your brain gets used to 200mg/week, you may not feel as well on 100mg thereafter.
Your gains may be limited by E2 levels as:
E2 block the actions of T at the receptor
E2 otherwise blocks the actions of FT
E2 affects the brain and that is were your energy levels come from
E2 affects mood and initiative, as well as socialization
You need labs:
TT, FT, E2
Total cholesterol - concern if too low
At your age, you do not need PSA
You are in the honeymoon phase, some things are transient.