OP is like the majority of young fellas out there, no need to be hard on him he’s just learning. All those emotions you are feeling a normal and justifiable, but they won’t help you get laid, or find someone nice that you want to get serious with.
You shouldn’t have tried to contact her again or apologise, it just validates to her that her disinterest or rejection was right. I would have done exactly the same thing as you at the same age too.
Instead just play it cool, don’t call her, maybe you bump into her a little further down the road, act as if nothing went wrong, but don’t have an overly cold attitude to her.Maybe you get another chance, if you still want to work it. If not just say hi and keep walking unless she strikes up a conversation.
Dates can be a bit like a job interview, however most guys end up feeling like they are the one’s seeking a job. Remember you are also effectively interviewing her as well. Approaches for women you just want to lay have different strategies and tactics than for those who you might want to be more serious about. Even if you start off with a the idea that someone is suitable for something serious, you may find out after a few weeks or months that she isn’t as desirable, or as suitable as you first thought.
Back on the horse dude. For the next girl ask questions about her life, music, whatever she is interested in, her family, childhood, travelling experiences, job, educational course etc.Find out what she wants from life and assess if its suitable for you. All these talking points show you are interested in her, not egocentric. Talk about yourself by relating to her answers rather than just going on about yourself all the time. If she turns out to be self centred, then you can either book it, or change strategy and go for just the lay cause she isn’t suitable for you long term.
Yep if not more. -with tinder/apps the numbers are just nuts, slightly above average girls will get 500 requests in a week if they live or pass through a big city.
Recently met a stripper who got 1800+ connects in 2 days, messaged back like 3 guys then got off it as was overwhelming
I texted her saying forget about what happened last night. I was just drunk and in a bad mood. I apologised to her .She didnt reply. Then I finally said well i guess you have made up your mind to not give me a chance. I respect your decision. I hope you find a really nice guy . Goodluck. It was nice knowing you. Take care.
Then she replied finally and said I accept your apology but let’s just leave it at that … I didnt understand what exactly she meant. I asked her so you mean we won’t be talking anymore ? She hasn’t replied yet. What exactly she meant by that ???
You blew it son. You failed her test by wanting the puss too much.
The absolute best thing you can do right now is to find a newer hotter chicky babe and do better. + don’t be clingy.
Who knows, this chick might see you with the new floozy and start to develop feelings again for you. Ladies secretly love the competition and jealousy that occurs when they see an ex with a new gf or fling.
Basically, you bombed out but it sounds like the door may be slightly ajar for a physical fling.
Send her a dick pic (if you habe abs, plus abs) with the message “I don’t think everything needs to left as it is? What do you think?”.
Its your last chance, girls like the persistent bad-boy so if you are packing anything decent down there you have hope of some poon and if you have any game, building from there.
You should have left it after apologising. Instead you angered her further by sending a cockhead of a message. Go find a hoe at the bar to root and get over her. You’ll find someone one day and dont stress, just remember not to make the same mistakes.
My last message to her was “I guess you don’t want to talk anymore. Thanks for teaching me an important dating lesson on how to not fuck up. I will not repeat that shit with other girls. I just wasnt meant to be in your life. Anyway. Goodbye”
She replied "I just think we have different views on a lot of things. But I am sure you will find someone that is more on your wavelength than me. Well atleast you can learn from this and not do it to any other girl. Exactly. I wish you good luck in finishing your Masters and getting a job. Hope it works out for you …
Do you guys think I still have a chance ?
Fuck this shit . No more crying and begging. Its just a matter of couple of days and i will be over her and back to pumping iron hard. Time to go on a cutting cycle and be ripped .
Bottom line is what is destined to happen will happen. Crying over things and being a sensitive emotional beta gets you nowhere. Time for transition Time to be alpha . Cheers to all the alphas here.