girl problem

I’m just going to explain my situation & see what the T-community thinks. I’ve just graduated from college and I’ll be spending another week or two at my current apartment before moving back home. I just met this girl at the gym & she seems pretty cool. I’d like to ask her out to dinner, but she knows that I’ll only be around for another week or two. I’m not looking for a girlfriend; I’m just looking for a good time (and I DON’T mean just sex or a one-night stand). I’d just like to hang-out, and I mean that in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But if I ask her out, I’d be afraid that she would think I’m either looking for a quick lay (which is certainly not the case) or interested in her as a girlfriend (which I’m not). How can I tactfully ask her out without completely freaking her out? … Actually, one of the wonderful things about writing long messages like this is that the time you spend typing them gives you an opportunity to work through the problem yourself…which I have just managed to do. I know how I’m going to handle this, and I’m feeling more confident with my decision with every word I type. But I spent so much time typing this out, I think it would be a waste to delete it. So I’ll just post it. Tell me what you think. Thanks.

Tribex or a testosterone shot may help. No offence but you sound like a wuss, just do whatever you want who cares what she ‘might think’.