Star Wars

If you go to watch the new Star Wars and stay to watch the credits-look for the name Joshua Wassung, who is my oldest nephew and was a graphics artist on this film.

Cool, will do!

something tells me he had a lot of work to do working on this film!

I’m not going to look for his name. But thank him for me.

Josh, who was homeschooled his entire life, worked for George Lucas as an intern in the summer between his junior and senior year in college. He had a job waiting for him the day he graduated from college. He is 24 and when they weren putting the movie together, 16-20 hour days were not un-common and they often slept ( napped) at the production studios.

I have heard this in an outstanding movie.

[quote]Keith Wassung wrote:

I have heard this in an outstanding movie.[/quote]

I’ve heard the same, there is a lot of hype coming from the right people (Kevin Smith etc) so I’m getting excited about it.

[quote]Keith Wassung wrote:

I have heard this in an outstanding movie.[/quote]

I would hope so. They had two whole prequels to figure out what NOT to do. If Jar Jar Binks has even one scene, I’m walking out of theater and beating up the ticket guy.

[quote]elevationgain wrote:
Keith Wassung wrote:

I have heard this in an outstanding movie.

I’ve heard the same, there is a lot of hype coming from the right people (Kevin Smith etc) so I’m getting excited about it.



To be honest, I think Lucas felt a lot of fire on his ass after the “fanboys” totally ripped on Episodes I and II (and deservedly so) and of course after the global reaction to Peter Jackson’s LOTR trilogy.

The ultimate insult to Lucas - I heard many say that LOTR was the real “trilogy”.

This is going to seal his legacy (assuming he doesn’t go ahead and do Eps. 7-9) and he knows it. No pressure George, right?

I can’t fucking wait!!

That General Grievous character looks bad ass… Boba Fett who?

[quote]OARSMAN wrote:
The ultimate insult to Lucas - I heard many say that LOTR was the real “trilogy”. [/quote]

Wasn’t it? I have to say That Lord of the Rings was the first movie in quite a while that people will no doubt be still watching 10 years from now. It was an instant classic and the special effects were actually special. I didn’t even fall asleep in the movie theater…and that is really saying something.

I read a review by Kevin Smith that, unfortunately, included a few too many spoilers for me, but actually got me fired up to see the movie for the first time. He says it’s the movie the fans have been waiting for.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Keith Wassung wrote:

I have heard this in an outstanding movie.

I would hope so. They had two whole prequels to figure out what NOT to do. If Jar Jar Binks has even one scene, I’m walking out of theater and beating up the ticket guy.[/quote]

Can I get an Amen! Jar Jar dinks ruined it for me. The most ridiciulous thing I ever saw, much as the ewoks and other muppets ruined it for me when Return of the Jedi came out.

The only scene I liked from both prequels was the battle between the two Jedi’s and the Sith in the first one. I have looked forward to these coming out and then been let down, I hope not this time.

I’ve said it before, (we geek out alot here) and I’ll say it again, if Episode 1 had not existed and he had just started the prequils with Episode 2 and had built some freaking sets, this whole thing would have gone over better.

That whole little kid/darth maul/ jarjar thing was pointless.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Keith Wassung wrote:

I have heard this in an outstanding movie.

I would hope so. They had two whole prequels to figure out what NOT to do. If Jar Jar Binks has even one scene, I’m walking out of theater and beating up the ticket guy.[/quote]

I’ve heard that Jar Jar is seen (like he’s in the background during a Senate scene), but not heard in the movie. I’d like to see him die myself, but we can’t have everything.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
OARSMAN wrote:
The ultimate insult to Lucas - I heard many say that LOTR was the real “trilogy”.

Wasn’t it? I have to say That Lord of the Rings was the first movie in quite a while that people will no doubt be still watching 10 years from now. It was an instant classic and the special effects were actually special. I didn’t even fall asleep in the movie theater…and that is really saying something.[/quote]

well, yeah, obviously! LOTR was ridiculous - especially the last 90 minutes of “Return of the King” - but hell, I grew up with Eps. 4-6 - so at least in my mind that will always be the “trilogy”.

Actually Prof, you’re wrong on one thing. People will be watching LOTR 100 years from now. It’s that good.

Yes, and they’ll be reading it as well I would think.

Movie was good, but there was really no way to bring the trilogy to life, just too massive in scope.

I believe I was 13 when I first read it.

[quote]danreeves1973 wrote:
Yes, and they’ll be reading it as well I would think.

Movie was good, but there was really no way to bring the trilogy to life, just too massive in scope.

I believe I was 13 when I first read it.[/quote]

Yes, but the fact that he came so amazingly close, so much closer than anyone had a right to expect, while not compromising on stupid things, is what made LOTR so outstanding.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Keith Wassung wrote:

I have heard this in an outstanding movie.

I would hope so. They had two whole prequels to figure out what NOT to do. If Jar Jar Binks has even one scene, I’m walking out of theater and beating up the ticket guy.[/quote]

I heard an unconfirmed rumor Jar Jar is eaten by Jaba the Hutt.

I can’t believe I actually read this thread!!

I just want Samuel Jackson to say “jedi” and “motherfucker” in the same sentence.