Soooooo… What did everybody think?
It sucked.
The whole movie was simply a rehashed version of A New Hope, so virtually nothing in the movie came as a surprise.
What the fuck is Adam Driver doing playing the villain? And why the fuck did he take his mask off, ever? Watching that scene was like making out with a chick, taking her home, pulling her pants off, and finding out my dick is bigger than hers.
The positive reviews are really mind-boggling. I know that everyone was excited for it, and as a huge fan of Star Wars I certainly was, but as with virtually all highly-anticipated movies these days, the anticipation of something is more exciting than the movie itself. I wish the people reviewing this thing would just admit that, hey, even though we were really optimistic about it, our optimism was misplaced. Why would we expect anything from JJ Fucking Abrams?
Star Trek? Mildly entertaining. Super 8? A failed attempt at being relevant. Mission: Impossible III? Please. Star Trek 2? Unfuckingwatchable.
I loved it.
I thought the new characters were all great. I think Carrie Fisher definitely showed some years of hardship, but whatever, I enjoyed seeing her on screen again and I think that can play into the story of her losing her son Ben Solo to the dark side. I thought Harrison Ford was just as witty and badass as ever.
I really dug Kylo Ren. I think he portrays a great and interesting conflict of this good guy trying to be so dark and evil. He carries this untamed anger that I don’t think we’ve seen in a Star Wars film before. I believe he is delivering what Hayden didn’t in the newer trilogies of Anakin.
ALSO-- I am interested to see who the hell Supreme Leader Snoke is (Darth Plageuis?) and where Rey is from (Luke’s daughter?).
BB-8 was also excellent. I thought it was a great mix of humor, darkness, action, and good story telling. I can’t say enough good things about it. Well done-- I can’t wait for the next one!
I thought it was awesome.
Everything Star Wars should be, with a good mix of good story, strong action scenes and humour. Far better than the prequels!
I’m not a Star Wars fanboy, but I do enjoy the movies.
I agree with the issue that the main characters were underdeveloped but this may rectify itself by the END of the trilogy.
Also it felt weird that the most masculine character in the movie was a woman. She was so powerful to the point where I felt I was playing a video game while using game genie.
My guess with Ren: After Killing his father he’ll be a much more hardened finely tuned bad guy in the next two movies as opposed to this unrefined antagonist who is still fighting the light side.
My main complaint about the movie was reusing too many aspects of the original trilogy. Ren was actually good it at least added a different aspect to the villian, anything else would fall into the category of my first complaint. I have not seem him in anything else so maybe peoples opinions of the actor are skewed based on other stuff hes played. I liked Rey purely for the fact that so many other females would have messed up that role, having no strong opinion of her is a good thing in this case.
Han - glad he died, someone had to and they need to transition to the new characters. He got the most screen time so it made sense to be him.
Leia - I don’t know why so much about her looks comes up, she is older and a general it shouldn’t really matter
Luke - I wish he got a bit more screen time, I was thinking he would show up on the final lightsaber battle to help, realistically Rey should have lost.
[quote]Evolv wrote:
I really dug Kylo Ren. I think he portrays a great and interesting conflict of this good guy trying to be so dark and evil. He carries this untamed anger that I don’t think we’ve seen in a Star Wars film before. I believe he is delivering what Hayden didn’t in the newer trilogies of Anakin.
He is much better if you think of him as Anakin with a helmet vs a Vader that takes his off.
Agree with Coop that the story is too much of a parallel with A New Hope. I also would have liked to see the backstory of Kylo Ren and how he turned evil. How Rey somehow develops her powers throughout the movie with absolutely no training whatsoever is beyond me. I look forward to seeing more of Supreme Leader Snoke.
I enjoyed it, but far too much time has gone by for this movie to be made. Our last scene chronologically is Luke burning Vader’s body where he is still somewhat young, now we see him as if he is a member of AARP.
I liked it. Not the best movie of the year (though I tend to give that title to obscure indie flicks anyway) but good. The landscapes/starscapes/etc. were mostly stunning (Maz’s hideout somehow seemed a bit fake), I liked the new characters…
I warn undecided about Han’s death for a few days but finally decided to call it a good, and ballsy, move. Some people have criticised Carrie Fisher’s appearance, but hey, Leia has spent the last decades as a general, not as a fitness model.
I feel like it worked as a palate cleanser after the prequels - although I’m sure there are people out there who loved them, the majority didn’t so it was the right decision to use elements of the OT. I’d rather they make a safe re-introduction than try to pull off something completely new at this point. Can’t think what else they could’ve done to start a new trilogy.
I was relieved that they didn’t push the nostalgia too much. Making the events of the OT begin to fall into legend in its own universe was perhaps a little bit too smart for its own good (yes this Star Wars thing is BIG even in our galaxy wink, wink), but they handled it well, far better than expected.
Back-story for the new generation of characters is clearly going to be explored in the next two movies. Kylo Ren is more than a Vader wannabe: it’s just as likely that he’s being manipulated into following in Vader’s footsteps as willingly embracing the Dark Side, just as they drop hints left right and center about Rey’s abandonment being part of something larger.
Still haven’t decided if it’s on a par with Return of the Jedi. At the very least it’s renewed my interest in the films (I didn’t have any expectations for this beyond "just be better than the prequels) - so mission accomplished there.
It was an enjoyable film, but absolutely no novel ideas were present. Just rehash A New Hope (a bigger death star! a young force user on a desert planet with a robot that is A GIRL!) and copy paste ideas from Empire (ice planet battle scene, incredibly old force mentor, father/son fight on a catwalk over a looming abyss!) to make billions of dollars. I still am uncertain why everyone raves about JJ Abrams ; he is just an expert of ripping off other sci-fi films.
My list of plot-holes:
1: Why is there still a resistance in this movie? The empire collapsed 30 years ago. There is a galactic republic again, and the New Order appears to be a recently developed threat.
2: How does the star killer work a second time? It absorbs a star for each shot, and the New Order exhausted its energy supply in a day. I know there are binary star systems in space, but finding solar systems with more than 2 stars seems highly unlikely. Also, moving an entire planet towards a new star would take a really long time.
- The force is super easy these days. It took 2 movies before Luke was able to do anything worthwhile with the force. Rey pulls off mind tricks, force pulls, and light saber fighting in a matter of hours after a pep-talk about the force from the cantina owner.
[quote]Fishdog70 wrote:
- The force is super easy these days. It took 2 movies before Luke was able to do anything worthwhile with the force. Rey pulls off mind tricks, force pulls, and light saber fighting in a matter of hours after a pep-talk about the force from the cantina owner.
Not natty.
The Starkiller base is simply a bastardized mashup of Unicron and that fucking air-sucking monstrosity from Space Balls.
Poe Dameron and his lame attempts at humor are an ill-fated attempt to create the new version of Han Solo.
Jakku is a plain old-fashioned regurgitation of Tatooine, and the place in which Rey lives is a bullshit copy of Mos Eisley.
Rey is obviously one of two people: either Ren’s twin sister or Luke’s daughter. Regardless, her origin will also be derivative at best.
Meeting in a darkened cantina in order to come up with a way of getting an important droid to a rebel group is hardly an original plot point.
Supreme Leader Snoke will prove to be one of two people: Darth Plagueis or, more likely, Palpatine after having survived Return of the Jedi. I can’t wait to hear the convoluted bullshit to justify that one. And by convoluted, I mean convoluted relative to the rest of the Star Wars universe.
The way the Starkiller was defeated was a blatant ripoff of Return of the Jedi.
I really don’t know what to make of Rey’s supposed instantaneous mastery of the Force. How she went from not even being aware of it except as some sort of mythical relic from a far-off past to knowing specifically how to use it is beyond me. All while Ren and Snoke are apparently unaware that she even exists. If she is that powerful with the Force but is totally unaware of it, how is it that she has gone unnoticed? And if she isn’t all that powerful with it, then Ren is a motherfucking newb, given how much trouble he had fighting Rey.
And the fucking jokes. When Rey destroys a computer or whatever in a fit rage, then turns and makes some quippy comment to a droid or whatever, the point of showing what rage he is capable of became entirely moot.
What’s really revealing is the fact that many people readily acknowledge the overall weakness of the plot and the characters, yet downplay this with the assumption that subsequent films will clear up some of this.
The thing is, what reason for being optimistic do we really have? The next director/writer has exactly one legitimately good film under his belt, Brick. Looper was decent, but this is also the same guy who wrote literally the worst fucking episode of Breaking Bad ever, The Fly.
Bottom line: virtually nothing in the film is original. Sure, the original Star Wars films were steeped in archetypes familiar to anyone who’s heard of Kurosawa or Flash Gordon. But at least it was an original presentation of a classic concept. The Force Awakens copies from itself. It’s a fucking inbred disaster, like Evelyn Mulwray and Noah Cross’ freakshow daughter/sister.
[quote]dt79 wrote:
[quote]Fishdog70 wrote:
- The force is super easy these days. It took 2 movies before Luke was able to do anything worthwhile with the force. Rey pulls off mind tricks, force pulls, and light saber fighting in a matter of hours after a pep-talk about the force from the cantina owner.
Not natty.
Don’t forget that she reminded herself to use the force. If only someone else had thought of that.
Here’s another thing: how the fuck is Ren so adept at using the Force to literally STOP lasers in their tracks and keep them suspended in midair…and yet he can’t easily dispatch some motherfucker with a lightsaber in his hands for the first time AND he basically gets defeated by someone with about a day’s worth of knowledge in the Force?
And you fucking KNOW that Finn is Lando Calrissian’s son. If that isn’t the case, I’ll use a picture of a turgid cock for my avatar.
I don’t expect movies to be completely devoid of plot holes, but I do expect them to be a little less gaping.
In fact, if Snoke doesn’t turn out to be Palpatine, I’ll be fucking shocked. It’s the most obvious possibiity, given that Palpatine apparently killed the only other viable option, Plagueis.
I don’t “get excited” about movies anymore. It just happens when you get older I guess. I only go to about three or four movies a year now.
I was not anticipating this movie much, and I knew it had certain things it had to do in order to be considered a success, and months ago on facebook I predicted it would have a metacritic score of 8.2 because there’s only so good it could be as Star Wars without the original simply being everyone’s default “best” Star Wars movie.
I ended up liking it a lot.
Seeing that it’s a remake of the first. So what? If you don’t like that that’s obviously fine, but I’ve heard it a lot like someone thinks they’ve seen through it all and that everyone else is just eating up the merchandising pablum. I really don’t know what else the bad guys can do in one of these movies other than build a big bad war machine. You need a Star War in a Star Wars.
I loved the breath of fresh air that all the new characters were after the horrible, soulless, epilepsy-inducing prequels found a way to make Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor and Samuel. L Jackson look like shitty actors. I lobed Poe Dameron and how personable he was.
I loved BB-8 and got a little choked up about how R2 had been in low-power mode because he missed Luke.
I’m okay with Rey not having any training as we’ve seen that training stuff already, it wouldn’t fit in this movie anywhere as the time frame didn’t allow for it.I’m okay with just the idea that some people are blessed with the ability to commune with The Force and that if you are dedicated and calm and meditate a bit and shit then it’ll come to you.
[quote]Fishdog70 wrote:
- The force is super easy these days. It took 2 movies before Luke was able to do anything worthwhile with the force. Rey pulls off mind tricks, force pulls, and light saber fighting in a matter of hours after a pep-talk about the force from the cantina owner.
Girl power plot hole is easily the worst thing about this movie. Cowardly black man should have whooped that trick.
[quote]Nards wrote:
Seeing that it’s a remake of the first. So what? If you don’t like that that’s obviously fine, but I’ve heard it a lot like someone thinks they’ve seen through it all and that everyone else is just eating up the merchandising pablum. I really don’t know what else the bad guys can do in one of these movies other than build a big bad war machine. You need a Star War in a Star Wars.
I loved the breath of fresh air that all the new characters were after the horrible, soulless, epilepsy-inducing prequels found a way to make Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor and Samuel. L Jackson look like shitty actors. I lobed Poe Dameron and how personable he was.
It was a fun film. The actors did well, the effects were believable, and the action scenes were exciting. I had the lowest of expectations going into this movie, and the Force Awakens was miles beyond the prequels. I’m just really tired of the lack of new ideas in Hollywood. It’s fine to pay homage to the original trilogy, but I feel they crossed the line into just copying the highlight reel. We’ll see if they can come up with something original for the next one, but I’m not holding my breath.
PS: I’m calling the next BS Hollywood twist; Finn is Lando Calrisian’s son.
[quote]Fishdog70 wrote:
[quote]Nards wrote:
Seeing that it’s a remake of the first. So what? If you don’t like that that’s obviously fine, but I’ve heard it a lot like someone thinks they’ve seen through it all and that everyone else is just eating up the merchandising pablum. I really don’t know what else the bad guys can do in one of these movies other than build a big bad war machine. You need a Star War in a Star Wars.
I loved the breath of fresh air that all the new characters were after the horrible, soulless, epilepsy-inducing prequels found a way to make Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor and Samuel. L Jackson look like shitty actors. I lobed Poe Dameron and how personable he was.
It was a fun film. The actors did well, the effects were believable, and the action scenes were exciting. I had the lowest of expectations going into this movie, and the Force Awakens was miles beyond the prequels. I’m just really tired of the lack of new ideas in Hollywood. It’s fine to pay homage to the original trilogy, but I feel they crossed the line into just copying the highlight reel. We’ll see if they can come up with something original for the next one, but I’m not holding my breath.
PS: I’m calling the next BS Hollywood twist; Finn is Lando Calrisian’s son.
This is so obvious already that it doesn’t even qualify as a bullshit twist.
I’m sticking with Palpatine as Snoke. That’s about as big a shocker as we can expect from this franchise now.
I know most people are saying that Rey is Luke’s daughter, but I think the FAR more obvious likelihood is that she is Ren’s twin sister. When they were dueling each other there seemed to be some sort of…moment between them. Besides, given Abrams’ apparent penchant for simply regurgitating someone else’s material, it wouldn’t shock me at all to see another set of unaware twins who are strong with the Force.