Staley Bootcamp!!!! ??

Just wondering if I am the only oner that caught Juliannes hint at the upcoming Octobber Boot camp.

I for one allready have the old Calander marked to be sure and leave that time open.

One question? Though I will be coming anyway due to the fact I know it will be an AWESOME seminar as the last one was. Any idea yet on who all will be presenting at this one??

Also any others allready making plan to attend??


Yes, I will be there. Charles asked me to talk on a subject near and dear to my heart: “Training for the busy person.” I have been working on the talk for a couple of days, but the concepts are all there.

One thing I want to work on is the idea of the goal as the “what” and to ignore the “how.” I heard this described to us at a discus camp as:
1 + 2 = 3.

The point was this…three is the goal. You can get there by five minus two, zero plus three, or whatever. Most people get stuck on the “how” of a goal and follow the wrong road.

I was thinking about this with college scholarships, body composition, and a few other sports metaphors. If your goal is 7% body fat, you could go at it through:

Starvation plus long distance running
The GVT program plus Atkins
Hiking the Appalacian Trail with just beef jerky and water
Really, about 5,000 things.

I would like to discuss this and kick around the idea that most of us get caught up in someone else’s paradigm (Clarence Bass did Periodized HIT with a natural diet with little variety and long bouts of aerobics in the late 1970’s and 1980’s…today, he O lifts and eats more fat ((within reason)), so you find yourself doing things that don’t fit your particular life…perhaps even genetic issues…certainly doesn’t fit the fact that I live in Utah with tough winters.

That kind of thing…

I’m looking forward to this. I let myself get caught up in too many side issues at the Kettlebell Convention and missed out on most of the lectures and all of the fun…I won’t do that again.

One thing I am hoping for is to catch a Cardinals game that weekend. My wife and I have a fairly long tradition of catching one Cardinals game a year. I would also recommend that everyone who goes spend some time with me on Mill Avenue.

Bring cash.

It should be great.

According to Coach Staley’s PR Zone newsletter (4-7-05), Chad Waterbury & Josh Henkin will also be speaking in addition to Coach Dan John. More speakers will be announced later. The 2005 Annual Training Summit will be in Phoenix on 10-15-05.

Needless to say, I’m green with envy since I’ll never be able to attend one in my liftime due to financial & domestic obligations. I’ll have to settle for the EDT DVD whenever it arrives.

Thanks Dan,

Glad to hear you will be speaking at this one. You were a blast at the last one. Cant wait for the enthusiasm again. Any plans to torture another poor soul with a Tabata w/o, or LBS of salmon???

Ken, Thanks for the info. as well.

Hey guys, I’ve also just confirmed two additional presenters for what we’re not calling our Annual Training Summit:

Chad Waterbury

Dr. Eric Cobb (creator of the Z-Health System.

(I’ll be presenting as well of course)

I’ll provide updates as new information becomes available, but this will certainly be an unforgettable event…

[quote]Phill wrote:
Just wondering if I am the only oner that caught Juliannes hint at the upcoming Octobber Boot camp.

I for one allready have the old Calander marked to be sure and leave that time open.

One question? Though I will be coming anyway due to the fact I know it will be an AWESOME seminar as the last one was. Any idea yet on who all will be presenting at this one??

Also any others allready making plan to attend??


Thanks Charles,

You, of course!!! I didn’t mean to leave “the Man” him self out. Seems as we kind of take that as a given. However, I for one find you a HUGE benefit to, well your bootcamp, and look forward to any and all info. you pass to us. Dont think you arent appreciated for your presentation durning the bootcamp, as well as for setting the whole deal up.

I was going to ask about Chad W… That’ll be AWESOME!!! I have always wanted to have the chance to see, hear him in person.

As for the other. I am not in the know about but if he and the rerst to be added are in line or even close to the last one they will ALL be well above Par.

Looking forward to it.
