Squatting With a Belt?

Hey, been busy lately and havent been around the T-Nation lately, however I have a question for some of you tanks,

do you guys use a belt when squatting? i hear of people saying it keeps the core ‘locked’ but i figured it would be best to ask

thanks for the info

Seriously, this is like the fourth time this has been posted in two days.

You’re going to get some people saying they use it for max attempts, and others saying never.

Whatever you comfortable with, just don’t use it all the time.

thanks for the oppinion,

ps sorry about the repost i didnt see it,

belts are for pussies, just like the bar pads some kids use for squats so your neck doesnt bruise or get sore. pansies hahaha.

as i write this i cant help but remember that i am recovering from an injury that occured because i didnt lock my core during a lift, lol

[quote]Kasomak wrote:
as i write this i cant help but remember that i am recovering from an injury that occured because i didnt lock my core during a lift, lol[/quote]

Well, at least you’re not a pussy…

Do a search for Back Strong and Beltless in the T-Nation archives. It presents a great case for why you should never wear a belt.

whaddya u guys think of this:


I’ve used it, and I kinda like it… it helps me keep good form when I go heavy. Isn’t it common sense to distribute the weight of the bar all around your shoulders, since you are not working your upper body?

Or am I missing something?

Much thanks

I threw out my belt when I found this web-site.

Using as belt on max PR’s is completely acceptable. If you don’t think a belt is necessary, then you also think that you shouldn’t use a bar - you should be picking the plates up with your fingers. Dumbass. It’s a fucking utility one uses, same as wraps so your knees don’t explode or chalk so your grip doesn’t fail. Being a man also allows one to use their brain. Use it.

No belt on low weight sets… only on near max sets.

[quote]kroby wrote:
If you don’t think a belt is necessary, then you also think that you shouldn’t use a bar - you should be picking the plates up with your fingers. Dumbass.

That really doesn’t make much sense at all.

[quote]molsonman wrote:
kroby wrote:
If you don’t think a belt is necessary, then you also think that you shouldn’t use a bar - you should be picking the plates up with your fingers. Dumbass.

That really doesn’t make much sense at all.


I agree with the above two posts.

Also, I think belts are shyt. Real lifters don’t need em. Yet, my core gets soo sore and I end up injuring my low back half the time during squats.

They’ll turn into a crutch if you let them, but they’ll help you greatly if you use it like an intelligent person.

thanks for the input,