How many here use a belt when squatting?

I used a belt yesterday for the first time in a long time towards the end of my squatting and found it a hell of a lot easier to bust out a few more reps than when i had no belt. The reason i found was, without the belt you try to keep your lower back as straight as possible when lifting the weight from the bottom position (i always do full squats), but when squatting with the belt my lower back just seemed to push against the belt when starting the lifting phase, and this i believe made it a lot easier to get 3-4 more reps. What do you guys think? Is my thinking correct?

i do not use a belt for squatting until i get to around 80% of my max to work my torso. but when i do heavy singles, i’ll wear a belt. if your max is less then 300-400 pounds, you probably don’t need one.

Only on 1 and 2 rep lifts.

Belts looks dumb. What’s next, knee wraps? Personally, I do squats for quads, and I think that if you are squatting to target this muscle, then don’t use a belt. If you want to use a ton of weight, and use your hams, glutes, and back, then I think belts are OK.

if you want to injure your back use a belt, if you want a strong healthy back NEVER use one, fine if you compete it will help your max but why not also wrap your knees real tight with super balls behind your knees and put a big spring under your ass. that will “help” you lift more also.

rule of thumb, if it 90%1rm or more, you CAN use a belt.

I’ll use a belt for overhead presses and good mornings when the reps are under five. sometimes on squats. If I train westside I’ll use it to work on the box squat form. You’ll find what you described as true. A belt will increase your intra thoracic pressure, which wil in turn give you a good rebound like effect out of the hole. I think that belts can have a great benefit once you build up the mass and strength. As I lifted and got stronger, I relied on a belt for the heavy sets, app. double bodyweight. Didn’t use it before that. I also found that a set of high rep squats was easier without, since I could breath easier. this was with 275- 300 for 20 breaking parallel.

If you can’t lift the weight without a belt, why are you lifting it? I know I’m not moving nearly as much weight as most of you are, but if you can’t make a 1RM without a belt then you can’t make it. Would you count it as a 1RM if your spotter assisted you at your sticking point? Seems to be the same thing.

I have a belt but rarely use it. Depends on many things – how I feel on the first set, how many reps I’m doing on the second (failure) set, the weight I’m lifting. What I’ve found with the belt is that the load shifts more to the thighs, and I feel it a lot less in the back.

I only wear a belt (and it’s very rare) for extremely heavy triples. Michelle – read the 2 part article “The Evil Russian Speaks”. Pavel talks about how increasing intra-abdominal pressure literally allows your body to exert more force.

Since analogies sometimes explain things better than words, why would you want to build an engine that the chasis can’t support? No belts, no wraps, no straps, ever, (for me). I am not a competitive power lifter and see no value in maxing. When I cycle my weights, I know from my notes whether or not my poundages have gone up. My workouts are planned. I know whta I am going to do well before I get to the gym. My notebook contains exercise, weight, tempo, result, then a column for next workout.

If anyone wants to read what Dr. Mel Siff says about belts, turn to Facts and Fallacies About Fitness pages 54 to 55. There are two difeerent funtions of a lifting belt, 1. nmechanical support offered by tight application of a rigid belt and 2. proprioceptive feedback offered by contact of a belt with the trunk.
I prefer younger less experienced lifters to utilize both. they need to learn form, build up the necessary muscle, and get in the right groove. After a period of time a belt can be used for function two, once they have the basics down. does anyone really think that a lifter that could use 275 for 20 deep beltless would place himself in danger by introducing a belt? Once a lifter can safely lift significant weights I really don’t feel they are placing themselves in danger or at risk if they keep form belt or not.