Hi guys! I have a slight problem when squatting. I go on my toes and shift forward. This problem occurs even without weight (body-weight squat only). I tried for several days to do ankle mobility things (no 2 and 3 from http://www.T-Nation.com/readArticle.do?id=1778726 ) and I can’t squat any deeper without going on my toes. Does anyone have a clue why else might this happen?
Someone posted this on another thread a few days ago. It might help you. I taught my wife how to do a perfect front squat in 20 min by copying the teaching method here.
Thanks guys. The DJ seminar is golden.
I found a temporary solution, however I need to fix the underlying problem, My temp solution is to squat in heavy military boots. Does anyone know what does this mean?
That your hip-mobility sucks and you can overcome it by having your heel elevated higher than your toes.
Best way (IME) to learn to squat deep is to squat as deep as you can and isometrically hold the bottom position. Then go lower. Repeat these two steps until you stop seeing results. Come up and do another rep (I did sets of 3-4).