Squatting Past Parallel?

I do tend to go past parallel when i squat. Anyway is this good? should i just go parallel, i like going past personally. (to be honest i squat very deeply, everyone just looks at me in amazement when i squat in my gym :P)

Am asking this question because i almost injured my calf on my leg day yesteday, and wanted to know if going past parallel might have contribuated to it (i felt my calves almost pull away whilst i was doing back leg extensions)

Thank you. :slight_smile:

face palm

tg2, this is the “BEGINNER” forum and you are face palming someone with a legitimate question?

Squatting past parallel is not bad for you, but if your form is incorrect than any squat could be placing unnecessary stress on your calves. Have someone knowledgeable watch you squat and hopefully you can fix whatever problems you have.

[quote]uahc wrote:
tg2, this is the “BEGINNER” forum and you are face palming someone with a legitimate question?

Squatting past parallel is not bad for you, but if your form is incorrect than any squat could be placing unnecessary stress on your calves. Have someone knowledgeable watch you squat and hopefully you can fix whatever problems you have.


I face palm not because of the question, but because of the lack of effort. If people would search “Squat” or “parallel” they would find there answer in over 20 articles. If people would put forth a little effort, then there would be no need for face palm

[quote]uahc wrote:
tg2, this is the “BEGINNER” forum and you are face palming someone with a legitimate question?

No, I think a facepalm is totally acceptable in circumstances such as this.

It’s utterly appropriate to deliver answers. It’s also somewhat appropriate to remind them that they could have found the information through a search feature.

The trick is to do such with humor so they don’t end up crying into their towel while leaning on the squat rack at their gym.

face palm
Face palm and head shake

Read some articles and after that read more. Asking is one thing. Asking because you have not done any research and tried to solve the problem first is another.

what a thoroughly enjoyable thread, i third the facepalm

[quote]Otep wrote:
The trick is to do such with humor so they don’t end up crying into their towel while leaning on the squat rack at their gym.[/quote]

You mean like this?

Ohh, my bad guys I didn’t look at it that way. :open_mouth:

Atg squatting is better.

Going past \ is perfectly ok and actually encouraged (using good form of course).

You may not be flexible enough to squat past parallel. Get someone experienced to critique your form, or even tape a set and post it if you can.

Have someone critique your form. Go as deep as you can while still maintaining the arch in your lower back.

Real atg squats are humbling. At lest they were for me. If you can do them, then do them. They are arguably the best exercise for overall leg development.

I always go below parallel on every rep, otherwise I don’t count it. You don’t have to go full ATG ass to calves rock bottom to get the full benefits, slightly (obviously) below parallel will be fine I think. If you enjoy ATG then by all means do it, but at the bottom of the squat nothing should be relaxed.

I try to bounce out of the “bottom”.