[quote]parksah wrote:
hello, long time reader, dont usually post too often though,
I would like to get some oppinions from the T-Nation on how everyone likes to squat, so my questions to you are:
-Do you squat so your femur is parallel to the floor?
-Do you go so low that your ass is basically touching the ground? (ATG)
In my gym there is a guy around 18-19 years old that is about 5’11 to 6’, couldnt weigh more than 180lbs and completely mystifies me, when i first saw him squat he got up to 340+lbs ass to ground, but i noticed he drops and instantly pops the weight up at the bottom with the moment of reflex,
i have spoke with him and he said he hasnt ever tried stopping at parallel and he finds going down resonably quick and using that pop at the bottom to lift the weight is far easier than a slow lift, do you guys find this dangerous? Is he only able to do this because of his age and we havent seen any damaging effects that time would reveal?
ps. 340+lbs isnt a giagantic amount of weight by any means but for a taller person compared to a shorter person of that weight i consider it pretty damn impressive.
I am just torn between doing ATG and parallel and wanted some oppinions and possible progress people have experienced.
Thanks all,
I squatted like that for a long time, and never had knee problems (once I stopped doing leg extensions-they had me in constant pain). What I found, however was that although I was particularly built to squat this way, I built strength better squatting wide to parallel. At one point, for example, I had squatted 335 both very wide, and deep with a fast rebound.
I had committed to using the Westside wide stance exclusively for a year and brought my wide stance squat up to 410 and missed 415 but just after maxing, I decided to give it a try the old close, deep and fast way, and I got the 415 and 425 as well. In other words, it was actually better for me to max that way, but useless for me to train that way.
Anyway, I do think that it can be bad on the knees if you are out over the toes with the quads, or if your calves are big, or if you wear wraps.