Squatting and Hip Flexor Pain

So I’m having some annoying pain on the front of my left hip a few hours after squatting, a pain which continues for at least a few days. I’m not 100% sure, but I’m thinking the fact that I have trouble firing my left glute is what’s causing this pain. I have been working on glute activation exercises but I only really feel it in my right glute, and unilateral activation work on my left side I only really feel in my hamstrings. Anyway, my question is how do I work towards ‘turning on’ my left glute? And is it safe to assume that my hip flexor pain is directly related to my dormant glute? Thanks in advance for any responses.

I’m curious about this too. I get an awful lot of hip flexor activity when squatting which stymies me because they aren’t prime movers in the squat.

I know that taking a small Woody band, looping it, and making a figure 8 just over my knees for a few raw squats helps me wake up my ass when it’s time to lift. Like, when I first tried it, 8 bodyweight squats would feel the next day.

Also, if your hip flexors are hurting, are your piriformis somehow asleep or inhibited?

I replied to your other thread too, but this one seems to be bumped more recent.

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stretch the piriformis. they might be weak too, mine were. I threw in some of those machines which hit the groin and hips and that helped. Not sure what they’re called, they are the ass blaster type machines you see the soccer moms on.