I’ve been doing the Goblet Squat for a while (thanks many times over to Dan John for that) since I am no longer allowed to do back or front squats (back injuries, etc).
Well, at my old gym, I could mount 120# at the goblet position and manage about 8-10 reps. At my new gym, the dbs are a different design (I was using hex db) and I just can’t get the larger-diameter 'bells mounted properly.
So, could the strong and wise of T-Nation give me some ideas on non back or front squat ideas?
Oh, lumberjack squats are not an option. I got in trouble for those.
Any tips on how to make belt squats less of a PITA?
When I was at home, I used cinder blocks for barbell stands (loooong time ago!) and just turned 20 degrees or side-stepped to make room for the barbell to move freely.
Now, I just set the bar up in the outside of a power rack, straddle the bar and side step out one step.
I found it a MUST to have a board under the heels always.
Using a short 5’ or 6’ bar helps as you can reach out and hold the weight plate while squatting.
One more tip, set up the daisy chains so when you stand, the bar hangs very close to your, you know…
And the bar should hang lower in the front and higher in the back, not level… This allows you to squat deeply where the bar ends up level at the lowest position.
[quote]undeadlift wrote:
Do front squats really hurt your back?[/quote]
Naw, I’m just a pussy and don’t like having to use all that extra weight. I don’t want to get too muscley.
Just giving the piss, btw. Yes, they cause ME a good deal of pain, chest-cramps, and vomiting from stomach cramps. Loading my spine at all anymore is a bad thing.
I’d say go with split squats and variations. I’ve got some hip and back issues myself right now and most squat and deadlift variations cause pain once I increase the weight past a certain point, but I can do single leg exercises without issue (even when going ‘heavy’).
[quote]Vash wrote:
Yes, they cause ME a good deal of pain, chest-cramps, and vomiting from stomach cramps. Loading my spine at all anymore is a bad thing.[/quote]
That’s weird, considering you could do goblets which are very similar to front squats. Anyway, what happens if you use the leg press?
If front squats give me a hard time (bar positioning- I have small shoulders), is there any reason why I can’t replace them with really close stance (a little closer than shoulder width, toes pointed slightly out) back squats to emphasize the quads?
I did that instead of front squats this morning and I felt like it hit my quads more and was tons more comfortable. Got a nice pump too, lol.
[quote]k8thegr8 wrote:
If front squats give me a hard time (bar positioning- I have small shoulders), is there any reason why I can’t replace them with really close stance (a little closer than shoulder width, toes pointed slightly out) back squats to emphasize the quads?
I did that instead of front squats this morning and I felt like it hit my quads more and was tons more comfortable. Got a nice pump too, lol.[/quote]
Try elevating the heels with a block or plates while you close-stance squat. Hits the quads even more.
[quote]Vash wrote:
Well, I don’t know if I should be happy or not.
I’ve been doing the Goblet Squat for a while (thanks many times over to Dan John for that) since I am no longer allowed to do back or front squats (back injuries, etc).
Well, at my old gym, I could mount 120# at the goblet position and manage about 8-10 reps. At my new gym, the dbs are a different design (I was using hex db) and I just can’t get the larger-diameter 'bells mounted properly.
So, could the strong and wise of T-Nation give me some ideas on non back or front squat ideas?
Oh, lumberjack squats are not an option. I got in trouble for those.[/quote]
Pistols, weighted pistols, Jefforson squats, hack squats are just a couple I can think of off the top of my head.
[quote]derek wrote:
k8thegr8 wrote:
If front squats give me a hard time (bar positioning- I have small shoulders), is there any reason why I can’t replace them with really close stance (a little closer than shoulder width, toes pointed slightly out) back squats to emphasize the quads?
I did that instead of front squats this morning and I felt like it hit my quads more and was tons more comfortable. Got a nice pump too, lol.
Try elevating the heels with a block or plates while you close-stance squat. Hits the quads even more.[/quote]
Sweet, thanks I’ve heard that before but never tried it. Definitely will next leg workout though… my quads/vmo are seriously lagging