Quick question for all of the beasts out there. For normal squat training, is there any merit to the idea of sacrificing alittle depth for more weight/ or more reps? Not saying quarter squating by any means, but maybe just being a little bit higher then comp. depth? Recently i’ve been obsessing over really dipping my squat but haven’t been able to just get under it and go, which was what I would do in previous time. I might be rambling at this point, hopefully someone can grasp what I’m trying to say
The only time I hit depth in a squat is during a meet. I don’t find it to be very productive to hit the depth in my training, and spend far more time working heavy partials in the squat and performing high volume work in the range of motion above powerlifting legal depth and below lockout, focusing more on time under tension.
I honestly think squat depth in training is blown way out of proportion by a lot of folks. As long as you are getting stronger, you’re doing it right. That said, if you squat above depth constantly and then can’t hit depth in a competition, then it might be time to re-examine your training.
This is basically where I am at right now with my thoughts. My squat training has changed recently as i gave up low bar and wide stance and it seems that i gave up the above philosophy. With the high bar work I worked into the 500 range quickly, but I’ve been so obsessed with hitting depth that I think I have lost the nerve of handling some heavier weight from when i was low bar training.
Just brain storming out loud but thinking I could make some gains by going back to the idea of just moving some weight around. Want to approach 650 by next summer and thinking this might be a useful thing to reincorporate in my training