Squat Stance Issue

when squatting my left foot starts to turn out on each rep while right foot is stable…wtf is this?so at the end my left is maybe 45 degrees and right is still 10-15 degrees out…help please.

It would help to see a video

Video please. Can’t really tell you anything useful without seeing it as it happens.

What kind of shoes are you wearing?


[quote]phatphit wrote:

Do they have good grip? Is the floor you are squatting on slippery? Just trying to rule out anything obvious here.

Probably an imbalance between your dominant/non-dominant foot, could be a lot of things. Someone pointed out to me that I squatted with my right foot turned out a lot further than my left.

I progressed it like so:

3rd world bodyweight squat with both feet facing forward
Sitting in the bottom of the squat with enough weight to feel a stretch while keeping both feet in similar angles
Loading the bar with only enough weight to maintain the angle

Without going too deep into the topic, I feel my issue, and possibly yours, is a glute/adductor issue. Turning my foot out more helped me screw my right foot better into the ground at the expense of the other side.

TLDR: Less weight on the bar. Address and fix the issue. Reload the bar. Repeat until elite?

When you squat without the bar, can you hit depth? Do you turn your torso?

Neither of my hips have the mobility to squat wide with my toes pointed anywhere near 15deg. My toes have to be pointed in line with my thighs. If you lack mobility only on one side, I could definitely see this happening.

I have had this issue with deadlifts although not with the angles you are describing.

My hunch is you’re shifting your weight onto your heel too much. When you extend your hips, each hip may externally rotate slightly. So if your weight is on your heel too much the ball of your foot might come of the ground slightly and allow the whole foot to rotate out a little bit. But if your weight is evenly distribute across the heel, ball, and outside edge of the foot you shouldn’t be having any problems

[quote]phatphit wrote:
when squatting my left foot starts to turn out on each rep while right foot is stable…wtf is this?so at the end my left is maybe 45 degrees and right is still 10-15 degrees out…help please.[/quote]

Do your squats get better with each rep? Is your body forcing the foot out so that you can properly open your hips up?

Both feet do not have to be at the same exact angle. A video from the front where we can see your knees and feet would help. Preferably 3-5 reps at a fairly heavy weight.

Is it actually unstable and sliding or does it just inevitably rotate out more?