I have been having rotator cuff/shoulder impingement issues over the last month or so, which has severely affected my ability to bench/perform any pressing movements. I have been actively performing lots of shoulder mobility work such as shoulder dislocates, YWTLs, Y shrugs, wall slides, external rotations, facepulls (pretty much every other day) and have been focusing a lot more on rows for scapular retraction. I have also been actively seeking remedial massage for the issue at least once a week.
However, being stupid, I always end up stubbornly attempting pressing movements a few days after having soft tissue work done and the impingement keeps on coming back, which is why this has lasted for the last month. I have been very frustrated about the injury not healing and not being able to bench/press properly and have decided to take time off all pressing movements for the meantime - however long it will take (hopefully 3 to 4 weeks at most).
This leaves me with just squats and deadlifts to perform, and I guess this would be a good time to focus on these two lifts instead of worrying about not being able to press. I was/am on week 7 of Madcow 5x5, but have not been benching/pressing. Even bent over rows I am trying to steer away from as I feel they are aggravating my condition. This leaves just 5x5 ramping squats on Monday, 4x5 deadlifts on Wed and a 1x3/1x8 squat on Friday.
Although I am continuing to make progress in these lifts, considering that half of the lifts for the program I am currently unable to do, my workouts usually feel half-assed. Are there any other intermediate program that I will be able to do that specifically focuses on deads and squats that will bring their numbers up faster? All my effort in the gym will be spent on these 2 lifts for the next few weeks/months while I let my shoulder injury subside so I am looking at a more specialised and intensive S/DL program.
Cliffs: Looking for an intermediate program that focuses specifically on deadlifts/squats without any upper pressing movements while I am recovering from a shoulder impingement that prevents me from doing any kind of bench/press for the next ??? weeks/months.