I workout in my home gym. I have one Olympic barbell and about 450LB in weights. I also have an EZ curl bar (takes Oly weights), and pairs of dumbbells that go to 90LB each.
I’m doing Meltodwn I starting tomorrow.
My problem is that with only the one Olympic bar (and limited weights), I can’t do both deadlifts AND squats without substantially violating the “no rest” requirements.
I just finished Waterbury method (which majored on Squats, minored on deadlifts), so I really want to do deadlifts to start working on my posterier chain again.
Thus, I want to swap my squats out with something thats reasonably equivalent that works well with my home gym setup.
Having failed to come up with decent ideas myself, I was wondering if anyone here could spare me a thought?
[quote]Phill wrote:
Well you could buck up and drop the cash for another bar. its always nice to have an extra or four. [/quote]
It’s on my santa list… I also want to get my Power Cage modified before I get a second bar and more weights, so my timing sucked.
I think the single-leg work using dumbbells is a good option for me. I’ve not tried Bulgarian Splits so that’s as good as any. I just finished step-ups in the Waterbury Method, so I rejected them - but I forgot all about single-leg squats. Duh. Thanks for the suggestion.
I love your style. I have only just started practicing some of the more dynamic Olympic lifts, and I briefly considered one of these but decided I am not flexible enough (and hopefully stupid enough) to try these right now as part of what is stated as being a very demanding workout. But as I said, I love your style! One day, one day…