Does anyone here use the Spud inc. Deadlift belt? Im looking to try it out and ifanyonre has a review that would be awesome
I have a Spud Inc. 2 ply deadlift belt. I don’t use it anymore as I found the round ring that the belt tail passes through allows the belt to “V” out at the top of the belt at the bottom of the lift and pinches back at the top. I have just ordered a “Bob’s Belts” belt to replace my spud one.
Thanks for the review. I checked out bobs belts and I liked what I saw. I have the elitefts P2 13mm power belt and I love it for squatting but it digs very sharply when im deadlifting. Its not a huge concern of mine right now so I’ll weigh my options and make a decision at some point. Again thanks for the review
I have the Spud 3ply belt. I love it. I noticed the “O” ring could V out a bit so I moved the ring over my hip after putting in on - no trouble. it is very quick to put on. I will get 30-40lbs extra on my squat. I never used a leather belt to compare to. But i did a ton of homework and went spud and love it.
I got a spud 3ply for X-mas this year. I don’t think it’s a bad belt, but compared to my inzer 13mm lever belt, it’s left wanting. For the price though, it’s an amazing deal, and if you don’t want to shell out $100 for a belt, I would go for it.
Can anyone recommend a versatile powerlifting belt? I’ve outgrown my current one.