There needs to be a shift in the attitude towards PED’s in sports.
It’s so hypocritical to claim and promote ‘clean’ athletes yet everybody knows that the majority of pro athletes are on something.
Should they just open the doors and not even bother testing? Or maybe allow TRT etc. within natural limits and actually enforce it with strict RANDOM drug testing?
[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
I always laugh when people would cry about fairness when there are teams with pockets deeper than oceans winning championships year after year[/quote]
x100. not many times I agree with Ct. but on this one I do…
there have been “juicers” using in even basic local level cycling events since time immortal.
For what…to win a pair of damn socks, how pathetic !
[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
I always laugh when people would cry about fairness when there are teams with pockets deeper than oceans winning championships year after year[/quote]
x100. not many times I agree with Ct. but on this one I do…
there have been “juicers” using in even basic local level cycling events since time immortal.
For what…to win a pair of damn socks, how pathetic !
there are a lot of clean athletes in certain disciplines, perhaps more than the general ATHLETIC public wishes to acknowledge because it renders their efforts in the gym and on the track as… average.
i think we all want to think that, hey, if i took the plunge, yeah, i would be an XXX (nfl, mlb, etc) player, no problem… or something along those lines
i realize there are many doped/juiced competitors in nearly all sports, but i disagree with the preconception that ‘the majority’ are when it’s strictly guesswork.
according to Better, Faster, Stronger espn special: 85% of juice users are the typical gym rat while 15% are the “elite athlete” out there getting it done. Your body, your decision…
Im not gonna comment on whether i think they should legalize PEDs in professional sports, but on this subject the one thing i do think they should legalize and use liberally is HGH. I think the increasing frequency of fights in MMA cancelled/postponed due to injury and the rampant injuries in the NBA’s condensed season (especially with the Chicago Bulls) prove this. With HGH a lot of these guys would be sidelined for far less than they currently are. Its a shame its just so damn misunderstood.
I really don’t give a shit about who does or does not take PED’s. When I was young I really thought about trying them out “just to see” if they worked. I did not do so and today I’m relieved I did not go down for that road. I consider myself a “straight edge” kind of lifter, I don’t use supplements, I rarely even use protein powder although I see nothing wrong with doing so. No creatine, no recovery aids, no T boosters, no fat pills, nothing except hard work, grit, and natural protein filled foods. I even bought a juicer awhile ago and juice different shit everyday. I never got as big as I wanted or as strong as I wanted but Im usually one of the biggest guys at the gym, bigger than the guys who I know spend $300-$500 a month on every “new supplement” that hits the magazines. I hear them talking about their new “stacks” and bottles and I laugh inside as I set up for another all out deadlift set with 455 or so. If these kids would spend more time in the grind and less time looking for that “magic bullet” then they would be me instead of asking me what my “bench is”, or “what do you take”. I have always been interested in the old time strong men from back in the 1880’s and early 1900’s, those guys just busted ass and ate meat and drank milk and attained great size and even more impressive strength. if they could do it without all this new shit on the market then so can I damn it.
To me its not the young guy at the gym who’s all yolked up that impresses me, its the old guy who’s still yolked up after 25 years of honest work and an honest payout. 10 years of glory aint worth the possible chance of fucking yourself up.
Dave Tate has a video on YouTube about PED’s in sports. Ill try and find the link but I dont think there gonna make the avg highschool or college player into a pro superstar but that’s just my uneducated in experienced opinion
No sports should allow PEDs. If athletes in a sport are taking them it forces other athletes, who don’t want them, to also take them so they can keep their jobs. No one should be forced to take some drug just so they can keep their job. I have the same opinion about amateur sorts too. A couple of years ago someone was on this site was talking about how they used steroids to get a starting position on their weekend rugby team. To me that’s disgraceful because a more deserving player lost his starting job to a cheat.
I actually think HGH and maybe steroids should be allowed for recovery from injuries or surgeries. A policy like that would need to have a strict protocol and supervision to prevent cheaters from abusing it.
National/ international pride is one of the major reasons that they’ll never legalize/ or acknowledge/ authorize the use of PEDs in pro sports. If an athlete in a team or individual sport is permitted to use by their home country, everyone gets tarred with the same brush. It would be political suicide to take the first step and back it. The opposition would have a field day.
[quote]on edge wrote:
No sports should allow PEDs. If athletes in a sport are taking them it forces other athletes, who don’t want them, to also take them so they can keep their jobs. No one should be forced to take some drug just so they can keep their job. I have the same opinion about amateur sorts too. A couple of years ago someone was on this site was talking about how they used steroids to get a starting position on their weekend rugby team. To me that’s disgraceful because a more deserving player lost his starting job to a cheat.
I actually think HGH and maybe steroids should be allowed for recovery from injuries or surgeries. A policy like that would need to have a strict protocol and supervision to prevent cheaters from abusing it.[/quote]
You could say much more and much worse things about the diet and weight of NFL linemen. It pretty well requires them to knock 10-20 years off their life.
What you are discussing is both impractical and immoral in fruition. All sports require risk. The only person who can make the call about what they are willing to risk are the athletes.
You can’t be an offensive linemen in the NFL at 220. If you aren’t going to assume the health risks of being 300+ pounds, you aren’t going to get to play. The less skilled guy that adds the weight will. If you don’t like it, don’t play sports. You don’t have a right to anything based on natural talent or skill.
[quote]on edge wrote:
No sports should allow PEDs. If athletes in a sport are taking them it forces other athletes, who don’t want them, to also take them so they can keep their jobs. No one should be forced to take some drug just so they can keep their job. I have the same opinion about amateur sorts too. A couple of years ago someone was on this site was talking about how they used steroids to get a starting position on their weekend rugby team. To me that’s disgraceful because a more deserving player lost his starting job to a cheat.
You can call that disgraceful all you want, but the people willing to do what it takes are the ones who are going to make it.
[quote]Bingbeast wrote:
There needs to be a shift in the attitude towards PED’s in sports.
It’s so hypocritical to claim and promote ‘clean’ athletes yet everybody knows that the majority of pro athletes are on something.
Should they just open the doors and not even bother testing? Or maybe allow TRT etc. within natural limits and actually enforce it with strict RANDOM drug testing?
I am torn on this subject, one the one hand I think it should be a level playing field. However, if I am going to watch baseball, I want to see guys hitting 60 bombs a year. The only logical solution to this is to make them all take them.
No. They should remain banned and the penalties if you’re caught should be as severe as possible.
It’s cheating, plain and simple. And in some sports - namely boxing, MMA, and football - it might lead to severe bodily injury.
An athlete should never feel forced to do steroids in order to keep up with the pack. There will ALWAYS be cheating of some sort going on, but that doesn’t mean the sports should not be kept as clean as humanly possible.
Plus, it sets an awful example for stupid ass high school kids who will no doubt say, “Hey man, Ray Lewis juices and I play middle linebacker, so I may as well juice too.”
[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
No. They should remain banned and the penalties if you’re caught should be as severe as possible.
It’s cheating, plain and simple. And in some sports - namely boxing, MMA, and football - it might lead to severe bodily injury.
An athlete should never feel forced to do steroids in order to keep up with the pack. There will ALWAYS be cheating of some sort going on, but that doesn’t mean the sports should not be kept as clean as humanly possible.
Plus, it sets an awful example for stupid ass high school kids who will no doubt say, “Hey man, Ray Lewis juices and I play middle linebacker, so I may as well juice too.”
[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
… it sets an awful example for stupid ass high school kids who will no doubt say, “Hey man, Ray Lewis juices and I play middle linebacker, so I may as well juice too.”
It’s a slippery slope.
Save the children!
Should we make alcohol and tobacco restrictions for anyone that may be perceived as a roll model?