Speed/Sub-Maximal Bench Technique Question

When you guys do speed benches or CAT (based on my limited understanding of the concept), do you utilize the bounce out of the hole fully, going from start to finish as quickly as possible or do you stall a little at the bottom before exploding to the top using maximum force?

And if you have tried both, which do you find has the greatest carryover to maximal strength or is it an individual thing??

Not sure I did a very good job articulating my question so if it needs further clarification I can try to give some.

I understand what you mean. But bouncing out of the “hole” with speed reps is a very bad idea. Controlled eccentric, explosive concentric.

[quote]ahnz wrote:
I understand what you mean. But bouncing out of the “hole” with speed reps is a very bad idea. Controlled eccentric, explosive concentric.


To clarify one thing, I am not talking about “bouncing” in the sense of some of the sternum beaters that you see, but using the muscle rebound to maximum effect while still barely touching the chest.

Not saying you didn’t understand what I meant but felt the term bounce needed some clarity.

If you compete in powerlifting I think it makes sense to pause your speed reps. Practice how you play.

If you don’t compete I don’t think it matters.

If your weak off the chest then pause them if weak at lockout TNG and overload the triceps best you can with it

The way you do your regular lift.

[quote]Reed wrote:
If your weak off the chest then pause them if weak at lockout TNG and overload the triceps best you can with it [/quote]

I can see that. I experimented with both and noticed a distinct difference in them but couldn’t exactly pinpoint it. I am pretty much weak all around and do to recent inconsistencies in training have restarted an LP. I started really really low though and thought I would just increase the weight quickly and first and since I am starting with 5x5’s at about a %50 weight, I figured it would be best to lift them explosively to get the most benefit as I add weight.

If I’m doing true “speed” benches I try to bounce them and reverse the weight as explosively as possible.