Specialization When Cutting

I am not sure if it was CT who wrote about but, was there an article or post that exlpained how to bring up lagging body parts when cutting? Any Links?

Awfully tough to bring up lagging body parts when in a caloric deficit.

You could create the illusion of bringing up certain body parts by losing the fat covering them.

A lean 16" arm will look better than a soft, fat 18-19" arm…shoulders are a perfect example of this too, as well as just about any other muscle group.

[quote]xXSeraphimXx wrote:
I am not sure if it was CT who wrote about but, was there an article or post that exlpained how to bring up lagging body parts when cutting? Any Links?[/quote]

Just try it out, why not? itd probably help to manage your calories so you can have higher carbs/calories on your specialization days too id think.

last cut i did, i did 2 refeeds per week where carbs were increased and protein slightly decreased, and trained lagging parts on those days (shoulders on 1, legs on the other) and it seemed to have good results (@ least visually - didn’t do circumference measurements). it would be very difficult to make drastic improvements in a caloric deficit though, as was already stated. best of luck