Anyone ever try bringing up lagging bodyparts while cutting?
If so how did it go for you?
I’m currently on week 5 of Joe Defrancos’ Built Like A Badass program, and starting to notice that my entire front side chest/bis/shoulders look like I hardly lift while my back side is pretty good to go.
I hopped on the “all you need is compound lifts” bandwagon when I started lifting seriously a few years back and now I’m paying the price.
I’m currently dealing with this too, so I’ll throw in my 2 cents.
From the back, you don’t look half bad. You’re soft right now so it’s hard to see everything, but decent back width and decent traps help you from there. Also, your tris dont even look half bad from the back, but in that front DB, your arms look a bit lacking to me.
I think the biggest things you are lacking (excluding legs, because you havent posted them), are chest and shoulders. It looks like you have zero upper pec development in some of those shots. What sort of numbers are you putting up on your incline lifts (be that barbell, DB, machine, whatever)? Same thing for shoulders.
Arms actually dont look terrible at your size, but just make sure you’re hitting them hard. You just really need to start hitting that chest hard along with shoulders. How is your routine structured for these bodyparts? After that defranco program, you may want to do a more traditional BB style split where you can focus on each muscle group and not so much just a plane of movement.
Oh shit, I didn’t really pay attention to the “while cutting”. Yeah, that’s not really gonna happen. Your problem is more of a long term kind of deal, from my point of view.
It is hard to bring up lagging parts on a cut, but not impossible. Read some of Thibs and John Romans articles. You will learn to structure a block for certain parts. Lets say you want to bring up your arms…You will up the frequency of the arms while lowering the frequency of all other parts. Hit a full body once a week to stimulate the rest of the body. Structure your calories around the target muscles. Cycle calories a little higher on target days and lower on the rest. If your are working a low calorie week and then a cheat meal on the weekend, that will work too. I purchased the Cheat to Lose Diet book. It has some great ideas.
Don’t feel like you are alone. I am about to embark on this journey as well. I want to bring up my triceps while cutting about 25 pounds. I think I can do it!! Good luck my friend.