Hi all. While cruising the forum lately, I have been noticing an increasing number of people making references to the soy in their diets. At first this confused me, but then I realized something. Growth.
As Testoserone magazine gets bigger (read: more popular) T-Nation is growing in leaps and bounds. We are gaining more and more members everyday, and this has quite obviously had carryover to the forum. It occurs to me that we have a lot of new people here.
Because they have not been here long, they may or may not have learned a few bits of important information that those of us who have been here a while take for granted and accept as fact.
One of these bits of information is concerning Soy proteins. So, for those of you who do not know, here is a very brief synopsis:
Soy protein is estrogenic. It contains phytoestrogens, which, to put it bluntly classifies soy as something we may want to avoid. This means it bonds to certain estrogen receptors and has certain feminizing efferts. Remember, in our word, Testosterone gooooood, estrogren baaaaad. In body building terms, the consumption of soy in great amounts makes it harder to build muscle or lose fat. It is a bit counter productive to our goals, then, no?
I should mention that there are several people, even people on this board, who make soy a staple in their diet and still have great physiques. Mike Mahler, for example, follows a vegan diet, eats lots of soy, and you can see from his pictures in the photo forum that he's by now means "feminine." Of course, this guy plays with balls all day. Sure, call 'em kettlebells, but they still look like balls to me. (Just kidding Mike!) Anyway...
However, keep in mind that I did not say that soy will make it impossible for you to build a great physique; the science merely suggests that it makes it harder to do so.
So, consider this a Public Service Announcement. Essentially, this post is for people who do/did not know the background on the hatred of soy on this board. For those of you who did know all about soy and it's effects and choose to eat it anyway, more power to you. More meat for me. But, for the new guys, if you were only eating soy because you had heard it was "healthy" and cutting it out of your diet is not a big deal for you, I suggest you do so.
Of course, I do not expect you to take my word for it, nor do I want that. I would much rather you read it for yourself. Here is a direct quote from TCs article on Soy: "...testicular cell death." HA! I bet that got your attention. What's the rest of the quote? Well, you'll just have to go read the articles for yourself. Here are the links:
I'd like to think this will benefit some people, otherwise I've just wasted a whole lot of forum space. If you haven't read them, give the articles a look and make the decision for yourself. Good luck all; hope this helps.