soulder pain

When I do crossovers I get a pain down the back of my left shoulder to the center of my tricept…any ideas what this might be and how to heal it?

thansk in advance

Possibly a peripheral nerve entrapment @ the teres minor/ infraspinatus/post delt area. Aggressive massage to those muscles in question. The clinician should actually try to seperate the muscles from one another. Get a good LMT or PT that knows sports massage and you should be fine.

It could possibly be a muscle impingement in the back where your muscle is getting pinched in a joint when you do the crossover. A cortizone shot usually shrinks the muscle and gets it out from between the bones where it is impinged. Been there, done that.


sounds like a possible rotator cuff issue. go see an orthopaedic sports doctor or Active Release Technique (ART) doc. They’ll fix you right up.

Thanks a lot. I appreciate the feedback and suggestions…