Sore Triceps for Chest day? Workouts Too Close?

I did arms on Saturday morning, I’m scheduled for chest day on Tuesday (tomorrow)

My triceps are still killing me. Granted, I have another rest period before chest day, but knowing by body, I know they will still be sore.

Should I alter my workout schedule and do legs tomorrow, which are not sore at all, or do back, and then do chest wednesday or thursday instead?

I don’t want to mix up my 5 day split but at the same time I want to get the most out of my chest day…


Why not do your Triceps workout the same day you do Chest? Then do Biceps and back another day. There’s a reason why those pairings are generally adopted.

I have a OVT workout program, it goes like this.

Day 1 Chest
Day 2 Back
Day 3 Legs
Day 4 OFF
Day 5 Arms
Day 6 Delts/Traps
Day 7 OFF

Ya do what you first suggested - do legs. If i have extra doms that is going to interfere with my workout i do a leg workout instead - even if i am in agony up above.

The active rest for the upper body helps with recovery and of course my legs grow better.

Do legs today, then maybe you’ll be able to do chest tomorrow too!!


Awesome, thanks Joe!

I realized I can’t do back either because my shoulders and traps are sore.

Definitely going with legs tonight!

You still have DOMS 3 days after doing a body part ???
Are you using REALLY high volume or what ?

He is on OVT - a volume training program, so yes, it is completely understandable he would be sore 3 days after a workout.

After the first leg workout, I wouldn’t be suprised if it was 4 or 5 days.

you could also just do partial reps which dont use the triceps at all and you could add pec decks which use shoulders versus triceps.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
you could also just do partial reps which dont use the triceps at all and you could add pec decks which use shoulders versus triceps.[/quote]

I would, but I have a pretty solid mass building chest workout.

Bench superset with flies 5x5 and 5x5
Incline, superset with incline flies 5x5 and 5x5

That’s all I can do and I’m dead for about 3 days.

With this split, and assuming an high volume program, your back day will always affect your leg day negatively, especially if you squat… Back muscles stabilize and protect your spine, along with your abs, when you perform moves like the squat. Not only will it expose you to injuries to train them back-to-back, but most likely stop your leg progress.

Did you figure out this split by yourself or is it part of a precise workout? Just my opinion but I’d switch legs with delts.

Good luck

[quote]kayveeay wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
you could also just do partial reps which dont use the triceps at all and you could add pec decks which use shoulders versus triceps.

I would, but I have a pretty solid mass building chest workout.

Bench superset with flies 5x5 and 5x5
Incline, superset with incline flies 5x5 and 5x5

That’s all I can do and I’m dead for about 3 days.[/quote]

wait so youre doing flies and youre worried about triceps? can you explain to me why as shoulders are used in flies versus triceps.

Bench Press and Incline Bench press are the major excercises for chest day. Flies and incline flies are superset inbetween

oh i didnt see that. so yea dude either you need to rework your days or you need to just do partial reps that only target the chest.

Just put your arm day further from your chest day. To make extra sure it doesnt interfere do it the dayor so after chest. Might make be tough at first but you will get used to it.