but I have a small BB and couple DB…so can I split chest /biceps to chest at gym and day before chest…do the biceps at home? What do you think?
for triceps I do close grip press and dips so those exercise I can’t do at home.
I seriously doubt you need as much rest as you think you do
train everyday[/quote]
ok im 37 , have a 2 years old son, wife , own business - construction…work sometimes 15 hrs…immigrant…no chance to leave a kid in grandparent /sister/brother house…believe me if I could i would like to be everyday in my gym…anyway i do my best.
and my rest is usually not really rest-is a v.busy day …its just rest from gym…
so what you think can i do that biceps at home? split chest/biceps day?
I’d prefer chest with tri, back with bi, since those muscles get hit in the compound exercises. I do know people who hit chest with biceps though, they feel they can isolate that muscle with better rest that way. If your time is restricted, then whatever workout you can accomplish and be consistent with, will be the best for you. I have my own weights and i do 5 days or 4 days, and these have worked best for me, though i have less rest days and i dont follow the week.
I agree with above post, there is nothing wrong with a basic 3 day splt, plus taking into account that you are working a lot of hours with family commitments etc. By all means try it out, but perhaps you may yield better results by training biceps right after back, plus you have an entire week off from directly training those bodyparts for rest and growth. Consistancy is the key with your food intake, training, and rest.
[quote]Kabar wrote:
so if I split my chest/biceps day…are you gonna still LOLing?[/quote]
Yep. Biceps ery day br00000
SRS tho- if you’re running a 3 day split, it probably makes sense to hit everything AT LEAST twice a week since you’re resting more than you’re lifting