-Why some muscles needs to be stimulated with higher reps on isolaton exercises? Calfs,deltoids,traps
-How to know how many sets and reps to do for hypertrophy on certain muscle to get best results?
-What is top rep range (total reps) for hypertrophy on compound lifts, if depends of person to person how much aproximatley?
-Is total rep method realy better for hypertrophy than rep-set scheme?
-Will 2x15 going to failure on last set built more muscles than 3x15 not going to failure on last set?
There’s not really black or white answers to these questions. Are you currently training?
Some people like lighter weights/higher reps on moves like calf raises or delt raises because it can be hard to target these muscles with big weights.
To figure out how many sets/reps work best, you pick a low number of sets/reps, then you do that in your training for awhile. Then when you get a feel for whats going on, you add some sets/reps to the workout. Then you compare Muscle Pumps, Progress, Soreness and Recovery to see if the extra work is helping your or hurting you. Or if you love it or hate it.
Top total reps on compound lifts is 30, plus or minus 10. Sometimes people do 5 x 10 for 50 total reps, but you need a pretty good reason and a limited time frame to go this high. 10 x 10 for 100 total is the outside limit of what’s possible, but you need a real real good reason and a special plan to go this high.
The Total Rep method is just what you do before you’re strong enough to do the Set/Scheme. Liker you want to do an easy, strict, controlled 3 x 15 in the side delt raise with the 25s to look awesome at the gym. But on Day 1 you almost shit your pants with the effort it takes to do 2 x 15. So the next workout you do 2 x 15 plus 1 x 6 to get more “total reps.” Then 2 x 15 plus 1 x 8 … And you just do that until you hit 3 x 15. From there you add some weight and start over at 2 x 15.
So one isn’t “better” than the other. They are just the continuation of each other.
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