some good genetics

if you guys have a chance, pick up this weeks sports illustrated. there is an article about a kid who just graduated hs, but enrolled early at USC for football. (he’s from fresno, i believe.) anyway, not only does he squat 550 and bench 225 29 times, (as an 18 year old), but he is 6’2, 240, 5% bf, and runs the 40 in 4.5. now, if i recall, Ahnold was 6’2 235 in his prime. while im sure this dude takes plenty of vitaminS, still, thats some good genetics. just food for thought. peace

Check out this college sprinter:

He’s the most heavily muscled sprinter I’ve ever seen a picture of. Does anyone have any #'s on him as far as lifts go? By the way, this guy is not “all show and no go”; he’s on top of the college sprinting heap as far as the 60m and the 100m goes.

People with genetics like that piss me off. While I am busting my ass and eating perfect they are eating fast food and chips and still lean.

That Smoots is one hyooge dude!

I checked out Smoots. That guy is a natural! Get over it guys, he’s just a genetic freak. There’s this guy at my gym who is 5’9" tall, and weighs 185 pounds. He walks around all year long at 6-7% bodyfat, has 19" arms, 29" legs, and I’ve never seen him break a sweat in the gym. He has the deepest set of abs I’ve ever seen, and when he hits a front double bi, you’d swear his arms are bigger than his head. There are some freaks out there, you just have to find em. As for the guy in S.I., I think he has a little help. My workout partner is 6’3" tall, and 335 pounds. His lean body mass is 267 pounds, and he’s natural. Granted, he has let himself get quite sloppy over the years, but he has also managed to build a ton of muscle naturally.

damn that smoots dude has some good genetics. anyone else here pissed off at their parents for shitty genetics? (hey mom and dad, thanks for the small calves and slow metabolism!!)

Yea man, that’s “The Hulk”. He was supposed to come to Stanford, but those damn Trojans stole him from us. Of course, he’s just a fullback, so no big deal, but he’s huge.

I don’t want to burst your bubble but I live in Fresno and used to work out at the same gym as this kid. This guy had no genetic gifts as a freshman or sophmore in highschool, his workout were really, in my opinion, normal. Then he started training with one of the “chemically” enhanced trainers and voila over the next 6-8 months this kid packed on a large amount of size , speed etc. The local newspaper even did a story on him and if I recall correctly they mentioned his 2 a day 2 hour workouts before HS football practice and after practice. I even went to the same HS 12 years back and we had guys juicing on the football team back then. Dont believe everything you read.

You dont know anything about him. How do you know that he doesnt do everything right. He more than likely has an awesome training program. He ran a 10.07. You dont run that fast eating chips and sitting around the house. Is everyone that looks better than you just someone with good genetics who eats like shit. My best friend is just like you. All he does is talk about how shitty is genetics are. Yet he misses workouts, doesnt eat, and when he does train he trains like shit. He claims to lift hard and eat a lot but in reality he doesnt. I have no idea about you but this guy is obviously doing something right to be that fast and that big. I mean we are talking about a guy thats not too far away from a world record sprint time. damn some people need to shut up with the genetics shit. I used to classify myself as a hardgainer from all the shit i read. Then i said fuck it. I started doing what i was supposed to. It works. As soon as you admit defeat it is over.

Wow, “The Hulk” looks to have a physique on par with any other NFL star that I’ve seen shots of. I can’t really tell from the small photos of him on the net, but he looks to have the face of a man in his early 30’s. Does anyone care to comment? BTW, the guys name is Brandon Hancock.

hes a little stronger and a little faster than I am. I can bench 225 24 times but i can squat around 525 or so. He can run the 40 in 4.5 im more around 4.75 and im a fullback. I saw a picture of him he is definitely a studly human being especially for how ripped he is

Gman 2002-06-09 07:04:15
I don’t want to burst your bubble but I live in Fresno and used to work out at the same gym as this kid. This guy had no genetic gifts as a freshman or sophmore in highschool, his workout were really, in my opinion, normal.

Response: I don’t get it, I was skinny as hell my freshman year of high school but weighed about 210 solid by the time I graduated from college. No one can tell your potential by looking at you when you first start training seriously. Everyone acted like I was going to be small the rest of my life as well. It seems as if people feel better if they can blame someone else’s development on just about everything other than hard work and effort. Do you feel bigger now?

Obviously he has good (great) genetics. I really wasn’t talking about him or his training program. I just saw the post and decided to respond. And by the way, 2 years ago I was 243 and a fat ass and I starting working out and lost 88 pouds. Now I’m 165 (5’7) at 10%. And even though you always make fun of the lighter people, I am still able to double my weight in squating and deadlifting. By no way do I think that is strong or good but I am doing the best with by body type and genetics. I also eat clean and train every week so you don’t have to preach to me about that. I see people at the gym that are in better shape than me and when I discuss diet with them they don’t know shit. They couldn’t even tell you how much protein or calories they eat. I’m not making excuses for myself because I try hard and if you knew me you would say otherwise. I also think posts can get misinterpreted some times because not everyone knows everyone.

Hey another Fresnan here. The kid goes to a school where there are almost as many juicers as their are potheads! GUARANTEED hes hitting the juice HARD.

Hmm… I believe that the intent of JC’s original post was to strike up conversation about the latest crop of freaks on the sports scene? Goldberg’s comments in this thread are dead-on right; let’s stop accusing these guys of having it easy and instead discuss some more of these sports scene genetic anomalies which, by all accounts, the majority of are probably as tight with their training and nutrition as any of us. I personally would love to hear Charlie Francis comment on Jason Smoots; It blows my mind trying to think about someone so big being able to generate the top-end speed necessary to post a 10.07 100m time! So yeah, when the f*#k are we gonna see some more Charlie Francis articles up on T-Mag?

goldberg-i understand where you are coming from with people complaining about bad genetics. believe me i get so pissed at my skinny bastard friends who say they cant put on muscle, but eat twice a day and do some curls once a week. i think everyone wants to change something about their bodytype, whether its to be less of a hardgainer for the ectomorphs, or in my case, i have always had a slow metabolism and small, slow growing calves. and i totally agree with you that if you give up or dont work at 100%, get the fuck out of the gym. i actually use my little genetic flaws as motivation. since i have trouble losing fat, i have to be even more strict on my diet. since i have small calves, i gotta train them harder every workout. everyone has bad genetics in some sort of way, but its nothing that cant be fixed.

I am sorry if i misinterpreted your post. You sounded as if you were complaining about your genetics and i had just left my friends house and had listened to his rants. so that post was probably meant more for him than for you. and the only people i have ever picked on who where small were the punks in the gym who dont know what they are doing, dont care, and take up room in the gym fucking around. i really dont care about what size someone is. My best friend weighs 160 and my old best friend(he moved)weighs 165. Ive never said anything to them about being smaller. i really dont care. i think people should take what they have and do the best they can and not complain about what others have and they dont. i actually think thats considered a sin in the bible. again i apologize if i offended you. this is the new and improved goldberg speaking here. good day.

I’m sure he juices after reading the article in SI. Brandon says he “enrolled at USC at 227” and miraculously “a week later he is 235 at 5% bodyfat”. Judging from the pictures, this guy is nowhere near 5% bodyfat. We in the know are aware that 5% bodyfat means shredded abs, arms, legs, chest, everything. From the pics, probably taken when he is 242 (now) he looks like 15% or so. Throughout the article he is writing as this last semester progressed. He gained 17 lbs. during that time. I’d say he had some chemical assistance. I could care less though. I’m smart enough to know that even if he is juicing, it still takes a great deal of work to be that strong, fast, and good a football player. It ain’t like the guy juices and sits on his ass all day watching TV eating potato chips. Honestly, I give him the same credit whether he juices or not.

If my math is correct it took you at least a minimum of 7 years to reach 210 depending how soon you graduated. As I stated , this guy was packing on considerable size in a matter of months while training with a known steroid user. Take a look at this picture on this link
http://pacwestfootball. College Sports News and Recruiting. If i am not mistaken , it looks like a little GH gut as well as some very harsh facial features.

G 2002-06-10 04:46:17
PROFESSOR x If my math is correct it took you at least a minimum of 7 years to reach 210 depending how soon you graduated. As I stated , this guy was packing on considerable size in a matter of months while training with a known steroid user. Take a look at this picture on this link http://pacwestfootball. College Sports News and Recruiting. If i am not mistaken , it looks like a little GH gut as well as some very harsh facial features.

Response:Where did you get 7 years from? First off, I don’t even count any training I did in high school because I didn’t even get access to real equipment until I was a junior in high school and then didn’t know how to use it. I weighed about 110lbs as a freshman in high school and graduated weighing about 150lbs(and worked damn hard at that). By the time I graduated from college I was a solid 210. Since then I have been as heavy as 240 and that is without drugs. I am currently dieting down and am now at 220lbs and can see my abs. I made the comment because people seem to use steroids as an excuse when, unless you are following this guy into every restroom, you have no clue what he is really doing. People accuse me of using now even though I don’t. Some of us actually work hard to use whatever genetics we have to reach our potential and drugs are not the magic feather that you seem to think they are. If you don’t have the genetics, pumping yourself full cycles won’t turn you into the next MVP.