Currently just started doing some training with a local amature divsion 1 team, ndergoing some General Physical Preparedness (GPP) as part of pre-season at the moment and I’m just looking for some drills, routines and ideas off you guys for some extra ESD / Conditioning.
With no equipment either, just bodyweight Sticking to intervals, tabata sprints, EIT, hill sprints, warrior challeneges. Conditioning comes first! soccer / football training for me is physcial conditioning combined with skill work.
I’ll share a few of mine.
Hill Sprints and Squats (Ofcourse =)
Pushup Play (With a partner face each other and get into a plank press up position with feet together, once ready partners try to swip the other ones hand. If they fall they get back up and keep going untill the duration is over.)
Wrestling (Just a bit of fun thats effective, keeping it clean, partners fight to pin each other on the deck and continue untill the duration is over.)
Bodyweight walking lunges
Bear crawl / Cat / Camel
Start with 50 BW Squats, then 5X: 10x Squat Jumps 10X Tuck Jumps 20X Switch Steps for rounds.
I got you. What are your goals? Do you have a beach near you? Running on soft sand is the best for pre-season. I got some more…let me know if you’re paying attention.
When does your season start? guessing you have a couple of months until your first game ?
What i would say is stick to the cardio- hill sprints etc as this will help your recovery for during a game and mean that you can go for longer during the game
I would also include alot of core work (situps, Plank , leg raises) as this will help you during the game .
you didnt mention which position you play as this can have a bearing on the type of training you do . i hope this helps you firgure out some good training .
The other place you could look at is something like there are bound to be some links to preseason training or just general football training(soccer)
I play rugby here are some things I do for conditioning:
Sequential Fatigue Challenge from Ross Training:
10 Burpees
Sprint 50m
10 clap Push ups
Jog back
15 diamond push ups
Sprint 50 m
10 Tuck Jumps
Repeat 5x, try to beat time each week.
Hill Sprints
Deck of Cards workout(Also from Ross Training):
Red Cards- Push Ups
Black Cards- Burpees
Number on Card is amount of reps you do Face cards are 10, aces are 11
Go through all 52 for time
Thanks all, this also helpful for me (also soccer player) - gonna do hill sprints tomorrow actually.
I would also look into doing some speed/endurance work. That is, running 20 yards at 90% and then running 50 yards at <60% and repeat 10 times. Suicides are good too for that. Also do some agility work - back pedal, side sprints, etc.
Have you been lifting off season? If so, be careful - you need to transition from lifting to full on playing or you might sustain an injury (i guess that’s why they have pre-season…). I got a hamstring pull last spring in the first game of the season b/c I didn’t do any sprint/agility work over the winter and just went from lifting to playing full 90.
I combined the Partner Carries with the Sequential Fatigue Challenge for a tester… Immense. Basicaly we done 3 laps each of carrying each other and then went straight into the challenge, expect we shortend the sprint to 30m rather than 50.
[quote]The Student wrote:
Any prior injuries? This would be the time to strengthen weaknesses. Let me know. I could help you with that. Especially ankles.[/quote]
Not really, I’ had an inversion ankle injury a long long while ago but I’ve never felt thats a problem now for me. I went through a phase of doing plenty one-leg Proprioception stuff and that helped alot. Also hamstrings are bullet-proff from Glute-Ham-Raises
However, one of my buddys actually has dodgy / weak ankles, chocolate ankles I call it. I’d like to hear your take on things if you could be kind to share?
Subject starts at cone A (0m) by doing 10 whatever (I.E. Burpees).
Subject then sprints to cone B (25m) and does another exercise and jogs back to the starting position, when they reach cone A at the start they sprint to cone C (50m) and pefrom another exericse for reps and again jog back to the starting position and then sprinting to cone D (75m), exercise and jogging back and so on.
Hard Challenge
The Interval Challenge
* 6 Burpees
* 12 Pushups
* 24 Bodyweight squats
* 200-Meter run
[quote]Mascherano wrote:
Thanks all, this also helpful for me (also soccer player) - gonna do hill sprints tomorrow actually.
I would also look into doing some speed/endurance work. That is, running 20 yards at 90% and then running 50 yards at <60% and repeat 10 times. Suicides are good too for that. Also do some agility work - back pedal, side sprints, etc.
Have you been lifting off season? If so, be careful - you need to transition from lifting to full on playing or you might sustain an injury (i guess that’s why they have pre-season…). I got a hamstring pull last spring in the first game of the season b/c I didn’t do any sprint/agility work over the winter and just went from lifting to playing full 90.
The Student - maybe you can weigh in on that?
You are correct about having to be careful and get outside and move on that field before playing 90. It also has to a lot with how you weight trained. Maybe there are muscle imbalances that weren’t fix or even were spawned during your weight lifting. Though there are many factors, a pulled hamstring usually means a weak glute. First comes glute activation, then glute strengthening.