So I Got Asked to Model

Is this a troll or just a retart?

Dude, I got an online request from some ‘guy in another country’ who dug my photos and was willing to send me money each month for weekly photo updates of my progress.

I ignored it -lol.


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Dude, I got an online request from some ‘guy in another country’ who dug my photos and was willing to send me money each month for weekly photo updates of my progress.

I ignored it -lol.


Haha… what a wierdo. Hopefully it wasn’t someone who registered under a different name on this site… heh.

shifty eyes

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Dude, I got an online request from some ‘guy in another country’ who dug my photos and was willing to send me money each month for weekly photo updates of my progress.

I ignored it -lol.


Tell him to send you the money first and then don’t send him anything back.

Maybe it’s for a um alternative male magazine hehe.

I realize that there are a lot of uh… for lack of a better term ‘weirdos’ out there, so your best bet is usually to just let things go. Last thing you need is pics of yourself floating around in cyber space (or worse -lol)


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Dude, I got an online request from some ‘guy in another country’ who dug my photos and was willing to send me money each month for weekly photo updates of my progress.

I ignored it -lol.


Well, that offer is still on the table. I’ll bump up the price $50 too!

Nope this is real. I checked it out he does calenders. I’m looking to put on some muscle fast. I think I’ll do the really hard workout that makes your arms grow 3/8 in 10 days.

Yes I made a spelling error. I am currently training to become a firefighter and was a little tired.

Also: The reason I am asking is because I currently train for performance. Crossfit + strength + weight vest stuff on different days. I can do multiple sets of pullups with 90lbs added.

It’s probably some weirdo from Lithuania that wants to publish the pics in a gay magazine over there.

[quote]Heliotrope wrote:
Is this a troll or just a retart?[/quote]

Oh, the irony!

this post is worse than mines.

Dude when the guy asks you to suck some frosting out of a long tube in a glory hole in the wall, just remember that chicks will want “ur hawt abz” cuz ur a model