Snoop's Hybrid W/O

I have done what many others have done and made a hybrid of the Waterbury Method and TBT. I just thought I would run it by all y’all and see what you think. I completed day 1 on Monday and today (Wednesday) I feel like my hamstrings and my glutes are going to rip in half. I plan on doing each cycle 3 weeks taking a week off or doing light loads and then performing the next cycle. I am not sure about the third cycle though…
My goals are pretty generic I want to gain LBM and lose some fat. I expect newbie gains since I just came back to lifting regularly 10 weeks ago, I did some pissing around for 3 weeks then I did TBT for 7 weeks. I took one full week off before starting this.

Cycle 1: Increase load 2.5% each week
Day 1;
squats 10x3 80% 1RM
all other lifts are 6x4 80% 1RM
decline bench, bent rows, seated press, good mornings, cripple curls (from exercises you’ve never tried article) dips 2x10

Day 2;
flat bench 10x3 80% 1 RM
all other lifts are 6x4 80% 1RM
front squats, seated press, chin ups, power cleans, skull crushers, back flyes, dips 2x10

Day 3;
Deadlifts (standard) 10x3 80% 1 RM
all other lifts are 6x4 80% 1RM
Hack Squat, seated press, upright rows, incline press, BB curls, rack press, dips 2x10.

Second cycle is basically the same only the set/rep change as follows

squats, bench, deads follow 4x3 at 95% 1RM. the other lifts will be 3x8 70% 1RM.

Third cycle is the same only
squats, bench, deads are 2x30 40% 1RM
the other lifts are 5x4 at 85% 1RM.

I am pretty confident that I will be able to handle the work loads if not then I will back off a little or buy some SPIKE! My diet is fairly weak due to the fact that I dont eat as much as I should during the day due to a lack of appetite and general laziness. I eat pretty clean though.

Let me know what you guys think. My priority right now is strength followed by size I wont cry if I get a little fat because I can get rid of that. Thanks.

Oops. I thought this was a post about Snoop Dogg. Then I realized that’s your screen name.

[quote]malonetd wrote:
Oops. I thought this was a post about Snoop Dogg. Then I realized that’s your screen name.[/quote]

Fizzle yer schnizzle evidentizzly.

its ok malone i did the same damn thing.