Snatch Technique Critique 40kg-110kg

This is from this mornings training sessions its my snatch progression from 40kg to 105kg, missing at 110kg. Please critique my technique for flaws. I know I jump too far forward when I’m replacing my feet. Currently I have no coach to work with my technique so I’m asking the lifters of T-Nation for help.

It looks like you’re jumping forward because you kick the bar way out in front of you. The bar should stay close to your body and basically over the middle of your foot (your center of gravity) throughout the lift. If you pause the video as you’re dropping under you can see the bar several inches in front of your toes.

When the bar path is this wide, it makes your pull less efficient and harder to control. I would focus on keeping the bar closer to your body (keep it tight with your lats, maintain shoulders in front the bar). There’s a few instances of your knees diving under the bar (notably the 100kg), but that’s probably more likely a consequence of the bar not being close and your body trying to balance itself out.

Great job, those look like only minor tweaks to fix.

Definitely agree with dfreezy on the bar kick out. Depending on your purposes for using the lifts I would say that you start your hips pretty high on the first pull this could lead to the bar getting out in front of you and the subsequent kick out of the bar.

The only other thing I think is that on some of the lighter lifts you slowed the momentum of the bar right before you turned over for the second pull but it seemed to get more fluid as you added weight so I wouldn’t think this would be a problem so long as it wasn’t a habit.

It looks to me lk u could be lifing a lot more weight. I’d say the main things that jump out at me are starting with the hips to high, u should really get them lower and get that back straighter and finish the 2nd pull a little more, it looks lk the double knee bend is over emphasized.

Think about pulling up, not kicking forward.

You generate a ton of power, but alot of it is lost on the forward swing, use your arms to guide the bar close to your body. Think vertical, eliminate as much horizontal motion as possible.

That’s the biggest problem I see, besides that, pretty solid for a non coached lifter.

Lower your hip, most of your is done with back. I should be done with a little more legs power.

Try working with your 75- 85 % rep max to fix it.

But nice, power to spare!

Keep the bar close to your body. As for the jump Naim used to jump to the front, what else can I say, some other jump back,

Thanks guys for all of the advice. I will concentrate on lowering my hips at the set up and keeping my COG through the center of my feet toward my heels. I will try to finish my deadlift better and jump more vertical. Finally I will try to use my lats better and keep to wieght closer to my body. Next training seesion is power snatchs so I can work on all of those things without worrying about squating to catch to barbell. I might even go in later to today for a second session to just power snatch, maybe I will film that for your guys’ help.

Tommorrow I’m doing cleans, so we will have a whole other host of flaws to find and fix! I will definitely post a video of that.

BTW I want to snatch 120kg and clean & jerk 150kg by years end.

Pretty much agree with everyone else. When you set up, stand closer to the bar. Get your butt lower. Arch your back and keep your chest up.

The fact that you had the strength to snatch 105 with the bar being away from your body like that shows impressive strength. Get your technique down and you’ll be snatching 120 in no time. Set up closer to the bar.

120/150 isn’t out fo the question for you. Your technique only needs slight improvements but the biggest thing you will need to work on besides keeping the bar closer is SPEED UNDER THE BAR. This will be very important for your 120/150!

Looking good th ough!


I spent about an hour training technique this morning. This a 90kg snatch that I think shows some improvement.

I still jump forward slightly, but significantly less. The bar appears closer throughout the pull, and less of a hip bump is used. I also like how the bar travels backward. I know I still have alot to work on, but this is a promising start.

Thanks guys!

[quote]Crow wrote:
I still jump forward slightly, but significantly less. The bar appears closer throughout the pull, and less of a hip bump is used. I also like how the bar travels backward. I know I still have alot to work on, but this is a promising start.

Thanks guys![/quote]

It’s looking a little better, the bar definetly does not swing out as much.

Word to the wise, technique takes years upon years to perfect, and when you make a new PR, you have to re-adjust your technique to tune it into heavier weights (D’Oh!). don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t come right away. Keep chipping away at it and eventually everything will into place…until you make a new PR.

[quote]Invictica wrote:

[quote]Crow wrote:
I still jump forward slightly, but significantly less. The bar appears closer throughout the pull, and less of a hip bump is used. I also like how the bar travels backward. I know I still have alot to work on, but this is a promising start.

Thanks guys![/quote]

It’s looking a little better, the bar definetly does not swing out as much.

Word to the wise, technique takes years upon years to perfect, and when you make a new PR, you have to re-adjust your technique to tune it into heavier weights (D’Oh!). don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t come right away. Keep chipping away at it and eventually everything will into place…until you make a new PR.[/quote]

Looks better Crow! Finish a bit more so you don’t jump that tiny bit forwards. It’s no biggie.

For me I’m increasing bending my arms for the Snatch :frowning: and still ironing out the Jerk after the best part of 9.5yrs of lifting!
