Im starting a new training phase next week and looking to lay a strong foundation with these two exercises by doing them both twice a week.
I am looking to do overhead squats with higher reps, I am aiming to get to bodyweight for 15 reps (160lbs).
For snatch grip deadlifts however I think that reps that high would murder my posterior chain, and leave me crippled for the rest of the workout and the rest of the week so sticking with 5 reps, 3 reps and 1 rep sets of this.
I deadlift about 450lbs so am going to start with 250lbs on snatch grip deadlift and slowly work up, I hear that the common difference between snatch grip and conventional is about 45lbs so am aiming for around 400lbs for snatch grip for a single.
Please give me your thoughts on training these two exercises and how you train them yourself, any videos of them and so on.
[quote]shuddupNsquat wrote:
I hear that the common difference between snatch grip and conventional is about 45lbs so am aiming for around 400lbs for snatch grip for a single.[/quote]
Difference of 45lbs is ridiculous with those weights…at least for me. I think I could hardly manage 150kg using snatch grip (have never done more than about 120kg for reps) when my max is over 200kg so thats more than 100lbs difference.
My advise is just work your way up to heavier weights (starting with 5’s and moving later onto 3’s and singles) and don’t worry about the difference or ratios etc.
400 lb. on Snatch Grip DL???
All the best. If you make it< I will take all my hats off to you. Be prepared to swallow some ego. There is a reason they work so well - they’re f#@^^% HARD!
Those 2 exercises will be a killer. Arrange for someone to carry you to the car and drive you home.
[quote]shuddupNsquat wrote:
HAHA, awesome. I’ve done overhead squats in the past but not snatch grip deads except in circuits.
I usually hit 5x5 or 10x5 forcompound lifts, just to get volume, would you reccommend just 5x5 for snatch grip on the same weight for all 5 sets?
Experiment. Use what ends up giving you the best results.
Over the years I’ve learned there are usually more exceptions than there are hard and firm rules. Change usually works good. Keep us updated on how that combo goes.
Cheers yeah will be posting on here regularly, so see how it goes. Am fighting on sunday, so with any luck if I am injury free will start powerlifting and oly lifting again tuesday.
Ok so I’ve made my way up from 100kg 10x5, now at 120kg 5x5…
Im goin to keep climbing up to hopefully 140kg 5x5, my grip is holding up fine so far, and 120kg 5x5 feels pretty much fine.
Going to keep climbing and see what happens.
Grip was suffering at first, but the exercise has strengthened everything to an insane extent that 120kg 5x5 feels pretty… well… easy.
I snatch grip deadlifted 160kg x8 (355lb) around the same time I was pulling 240kg sumo and maybe 230kg conventional. I’d guess there’s a difference of 30-40kg between my conventional and snatch DL max. So 70-90lb.
I think I’ve got 150kg 1 set of 5 in me, in the next few weeks, just gonna have to work hard and get the graft in.
Its a nice exercise, my posterior chain is getting much stronger than the front of my core though, I know its meant to be, but not to this extent, some nasty lordosis is kicking in so going to have to get some heavy ab work in.
[quote]shuddupNsquat wrote:
Cool, cheers for the input guys.
I think I’ve got 150kg 1 set of 5 in me, in the next few weeks, just gonna have to work hard and get the graft in.
Its a nice exercise, my posterior chain is getting much stronger than the front of my core though, I know its meant to be, but not to this extent, some nasty lordosis is kicking in so going to have to get some heavy ab work in.
[quote]Hanley wrote:
I snatch grip deadlifted 160kg x8 (355lb) around the same time I was pulling 240kg sumo and maybe 230kg conventional. I’d guess there’s a difference of 30-40kg between my conventional and snatch DL max. So 70-90lb.[/quote]
I sohuld probably add, this was done without a belt, after a very heavy squat session, and with a a few reps in the bag. So I dunno how accurate my estimate really is.
i dont know your goals, but keep in mind that overhead squats really are not going to do very much except diagnose flexibility problems. Your loading will almost guarenteed be limited my flexibility as opposed to strength of the moving muscles.
Althogh Dan John loves them, and he is an amazing coach, imho i find they fit much better into a throwers plan as opposed to an average training plan. I would stick to normal squats, ATG, and high reps if you want mass.
You will see what works for you once you get that bar over your head as the weight and reps go up
I should have said…
I’ve been having a lot more success with the snatch grip deadlifts and so have been focusing more on those and they really are a big staple in my training routine as are ATG back squats.
Overhead squats, are still in my routine, but not as a main exercise, almost like an assistance/accessory exercise.
I have found the snatch grip deadlifts have just caused my strength to sky rocket, and Im not sure on my weight but I have defo gained weight, but this is not the main goal, strength is.
So overhead squats are still in there, but have taken a bit of a back burner where as snatch grip deads I think are laying the foundation very well to get me ready for some hard graft on my regular deads in a few weeks.
Regular deads I currently do 1 set of 5 before squats. Where as snatch grip deads are 5x5 and done before my rows, chin ups etc on back day.
Having a lot of success with this
Thanks again for input. all advice and info helps, I have a much better idea of what kind of snatch grip/conventional ratio to expect.
I’m interested to try the snatch deadlift soon, do you used a mixed grip or conventional? I used overhead squats before and I got the hang of them but still did not like them. The danger was too great a risk, and in commercial gym a few close counters of chance of hitting someone with weight made me stop. Not to mention the front squat gave me far greater results then the overhead ever could. I love front squats and back squats though.
Also heard that snatch grip deadlift might be easier for people with long arms not sure if anyone has insight on that.
[quote]shizen wrote:
I’m interested to try the snatch deadlift soon, do you used a mixed grip or conventional? I used overhead squats before and I got the hang of them but still did not like them. The danger was too great a risk, and in commercial gym a few close counters of chance of hitting someone with weight made me stop. Not to mention the front squat gave me far greater results then the overhead ever could. I love front squats and back squats though.
You would grip the bar like a snatch- a pronated (conventional) grip. Comparing overhead squats to front squats is apples and oranges. OHS aren’t intended to be a leg workout unless you have really weak legs, but more of a core/stability exercise.
Ok so I have made it to 130kg 5x5 raw, just chalk.
Today I did 132.5kg 5x5, I did the first set with just chalk, and the last 4 sets with straps as my grip was giving out.
Right now I am weighing 77kg/170lbs so pleased so far.
With straps, I really think I am good for 5x5 with 160kg snatch grip deads.
Im gonna use straps now, because my hamstrings, and back dont feel the movement at all raw, just my grip, and I can be doing a lot more weight with straps.
I will however, do the first set of every snatch grip deadlifts raw, then do the last 4 with straps as I did today, so I dont lose grip strength.
Pleased so far, just taking it steady, increasing 2.5kg at a time.
Anyone have any images of proper snatch grip deadlift form off a 4" platform? I am trying to understand back angle and how to pull properly so that I build and do not hurt my back.