Hello! I am a relatively new lifter, ive ran 5/3/1 for about 2 years now, with many ups and downs. Ive read forever, and i’ve just completed my second pervertor anchor and currently on deload. Now i have 4 weeks left at the gym before going home for 3 weeks over christmas, where i wont have acess to a gym, but only a bench press and a few dumbbells.
I was thinking about resetting my TMs, run a leader, and when i get home do 3 weeks of smolov jr bench, and then continue with another leader when i get back.
Do you think this is a good idea? would i be better off doing something else utill i go home (maybe another anchor?) and starting the new 10 week cycle when i get back?
All thoughts appreciated, cheers!
my lifts:
BW: 75 kg
Squat: 180 kg
Bench: 130 kg
DL: 200 kg
OHP: 77.5 kg
My current overall lifting goal is 5,4,3,2 plates for dl,squat,bench and ohp, aswell as size. My goal for the smolov cycle is ofc to increase my bench strenght, since i thought this was the most worthwile thing i could do with 3 weeks and a bench press.
trying to increase my OHP might be another option?
You just listed 5 goals: a deadlift, bench press, squat and press weight goal AND an increase bodyweight goal. Chasing after 5 goals can help us get none of them.
Vectoring down to 1, MAYBE 2 goals can make it much simpler to come up with a plan and evaluate if that plan is a good one.
Short term goal, get the most out of the next 7 weeks of training.
In the long run, I don’t think that 3 weeks of break time will have much impact on your results.
So there’s no pressure!
I’d say, go ahead and run Smolov. You might run ther whole thing and make some gains. Or you may say “Fuck It” after 2 workouts and just decide to chill at home. Either way, you’ll learn something about a different program.